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The Eidah Chareidis Condemns Lehava Protests In Hebrew & Arabic

Photo: Yishai Yerushalmi, B'Chadrei Chareidim

The Eidah HaChareidis published a letter on Friday against the nationalistic protests organized by Lehava, a Dati Leumi anti-assimilation organization, warning their followers not to join the protests under any circumstances.

On Motzei Shabbos, the Eidah, in an effort to calm the flaming tensions in the city, published the letter in Arabic to clarify that the protests were not “Chareidi.”

“With a trembling heart, we express our opposition and condemn the nationalists who tried to drag the Chareidi community into their protests and calls for revenge against Arab residents of Jerusalem,” the letter stated.

“By bringing their protests into Chareidi neighborhoods, they are putting the community at terrible risk. Who knows what can chalilah happen due to their irresponsible actions.”

“Oy to us from the Chillul Hashem if these provocations are thought to be connected to Yiryei Hashem and Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos.”

“We call with all our heart for the calming of tensions and the quietening of the battle, of which the results cannot be imagined.  And we declare and say that Chareidi Jewry has no connection to these protests and riots. The Jews who are faithful to the Torah believe that we were exiled from our land through the gezeirah of Hashem and distanced from our land.”

“And we call to yeshivah bochurim, to the parents of talmidim, and those in chinuch: Please ensure that no bochur or child be found at these protests. Guard yourselves in ruchniyus and gashmiyus from the negative influence of nationalists who are not seeking your benefit…they are partners to the uprooting of das and the tearing of the Torah into pieces.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. But its ok for their group to protest and wreak havoc when they see fit. Everyone has an agenda and to turn a blind eye when your own people destroy and injure, how that is not a chilul Hashem is beyond me. Very hypocritical

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