Gedolei Yisrael: “We Must Thank Hashem For Saving Eretz Yisrael From COVID”

Gedolei Yisrael

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein issued a rare letter on Tuesday, in which they noted the gratitude we must have to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for almost completely ending the coronavirus pandemic in Eretz Yisrael.

The Gedolim continued by urging the public to thank Hashem by improving our ways, and specifically to be mechazeik in limud Torah, with the hope that the sechar will be a zechus for the situation to continue to be positive in Israel and to improve in Chutz L’Eretz as well.

To Acheinu Bnei Yisrael in Eretz Hakodesh: Hashem has increased His chessed over us to see wonders in the refuah of coronavirus patients and we have been zocheh to the removal of the pain and illness almost completely,” the Gedolim wrote.

Every person knows their deficiencies [what they need to improve], and specifically it is appropriate to strengthen one’s knowledge and toil in Torah – especially during this period of preparation for Yom Matan Toraseinu – everyone should be mechazeik in limmud HaTorah and this sechar [reward] will cause our protection to continue and spread to all of the Golah [Disapora].”

And surely a ba’al haneis [one who has been granted a miracle] is obligated to thank Hashem Yisbarach for His abundant goodness that protects us every day to save us from this terrible illness, and especially at a time when news is heard of the terrible situation in many other countries in the world.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. And surely a ba’al haneis just 2 days after Johrzeit of רב מאיר בעל הנס, and especially as we thank השם for the wonderful מדינה almost 2 weeks ago, and especially as we are about to be thanking השם on יום-ירושלים for the amazing return of the כותל.
    When Israel reopens its borders there shall even be more to be thankful for.

  2. I guess it might be a good idea also to thank Hashem that the attacks that were happening recently, arabs hurting students and then uploading to tiktok, Baruch Hashem that slowed down.
    Please Hashem help us and stop those arabs completely.

  3. Thank Hasehem for all chesed , lets learn a little vYoel Moshe , which gives different perspective-

    Hesem yerachiam maharoo

  4. Let me translate for the uninitiated into something colloquial:

    Although we grieve the loss of so many lives…
    Thank you Hashem, for giving knowledge and strength to the healthcare workers who took care of our ill and infirmed in the critical care centers, and returned them to us;
    Thank you Hashem, for giving the doctors and researchers the smarts to come up with technologies and therapeutics that saved so many lives;
    Thank you Hashem, for the smart Yidden who managed to keep the economy going and facilitate food production and distribution during the pandemic when so many were falling;
    Thank you Hashem, for giving us wise politicians and leaders who negotiated what Israel needed in vaccines and other important aid during the pandemic, and for the military that kept us safe when we were so vulnerable;
    Thank you Hashem, for providing a Trump Administration just when the Jews and Israel needed it, for facilitating a speedy approval, nearly unprecedented, in an emergency-use authorization for the vital vaccine that has caused so many lives to be saved.

    Dayenu for each of these; certainly Thank You Hashem for all of them.

    Yep. That’s what they were really saying.

  5. Also they should not forget to thank the Medina for taking it seriously, enacting restrictions, and working to ensure an ample supply of the vaccine. Hakaros Hatov is an obligation. The death rate in Israel is less then half that of the US (which is less than that of the UK and Italy), similar to Canada, but far higher then Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and China. Numerous people were opposed to various restrictions but it is clear that in every country, places that took it seriously had a much better outcome than places that took it less seriously.

  6. There never was a covid crisis. It’s a hoax. It’s all pcr testing which they have stopped doing at such high cycles.

  7. You can thank Hashem for saving EY from covid , but what about the tragedy of the vaccine injured ? There will be A lot more people getting hurt from the vaccine . The amount of women having fertility problems and men are getting sterilized . Ask those men ( who are begging people not to take the vaccine) how great the vaccine is!
    Covid was a Hoax and the vaccine was even a bigger fraud . Take the vaccine if you want to be injured or die .
    Don’t thank the evil Israeli government . Can’t believe people don’t see through the fraud . I guess those are the ones that will take the vaccine even after they are warned

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