A large number of police forces arrived overnight Motzei Shabbos on Zonnenfeld Street in the Beis Yisroel neighborhood of Jerusalem in order to dismantle the large porch Sukkah of Hagaon HaRav Moshe Brandsdorfer, which was built without a permit and which authorities say posed a risk to the public.
The Sukkah, which had aroused an uproar on social media platforms both in Israel and abroad due to its erratic construction, was built in a way that left more than half of it hanging off of a balcony and over the sidewalk and street. According to reports in the Israeli media and claims made by the owner, the Sukkah has been built in this style for many years and is inspected each year by an engineer to certify its safety.
However, following the recent tragedies in Meron and Givat Ze’ev, social media advocates called for the dismantling of the Sukkah and the municipality of Jerusalem issued an order to dismantle it.
Over 200 policemen and other security forces were present as the Sukkah was dismantled due to the protests and riots of local residents.
“The Sukkah was built on high scaffolding and posed a real risk to life and property, while harming passersby and the public using the medical center located there, which even filed a complaint to the municipality,” the police stated.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
32 Responses
The laws of physics don’t apply to us. We wave lulavim, we beat hoshanos, and we know the celestial plumbing of the universe. No one can tells us what to do, and the cops are all nazis.
I apologize. I gave too much credit, naively saying I’m sure Rav Bransdorfer’s word that it will be dismantled was trustworthy.
One day, I’ll stop believing in people’s “truth.”
‘…he [Moshe Brandsdorfer,] is not the “Eidah Chareidis Av Beis Din” in an way, shape or form.
Please correct this asap…
“….Doesn’t this Bransdorfer character who is a leader in the Aidah , have enough on his conscience from the last tragedy, does he really want to add some more Jewish lives to his guilty conscience…”
“…here are a number of Rav [Moshe] Bransdorfers running around. Perhaps put his FIRST name to make it clearer….”
Sometimes, reading these threads of comments is like watching the “news segment from Motzi Shabbos Live (aka SNL)….WHO CARES which Reb Brannsdorfer built this accident waiting to happen. Kol hakovod to whomever notified the municipal government and was successful in having it dismantled before anyone was hurt. It seems some posters were more concerned about making sure everyone know that the Rav is now running his own Beis Din and c’v doesn’t want him associated with the infamous “Aidah”.
Bunch of crazy hareidim. Idiots don’t realize that people could get killed if/when this contraption falls.
Meron happened because police blocked the gates.
if they take it down they are called Nazis, if they leave it and then Cheredim die then they are again Nazis for not preventing it.
We charedim on the other had have zero responsibility even for our own safety let alone for the safety of others. We do whatever we please buildand crowd wherever and however we want even after Stolin and Meron. we don’t learn form our mistakes. then we make riots and blame someone else while our politicians prevent investigations into the death of our own.
Eshrainy Ma Tov Chelkainy!!. … we can do better than this!
Does it meet code or not?
UJM, gestapo also wore pants…
Are you people that ignorant, the police only followed orders by the municipality to have the succah dismantled, and by the way the Jerusalem municipality is controlled by chareidim.
Anyone with an ounce of brains can see that this succah is a death trap and needs to be taken down immediately.
Unfortunately, most of the Meah Shearim residents including their leaders in the Aidah Hachreidis, act like and behave like ignorant savages. Note the violent riots of the last few weeks against the light rail being built,and all of this being sanctioned by their so called rabbinic leaders.
Have these savages not learned their lesson from last Lag B’omer, where 40 Jews lost their lives (actually murdered) because for years they have been warned that those insane overcrowding is a disaster waiting to happen.
Doesn’t this Bransdorfer character who is a leader in the Aidah , have enough on his conscience from the last tragedy, does he really want to add some more Jewish lives to his guilty conscience
Hymish you probably feel walking the streets in a chaddishe levush is also a chillul hashem
Ywn is a purveyor of Machlokes and sinas chinom. osid Leten es hadin mamash. unfortunately I don’t think you really care which is a shame.
This is the terrible behavior by Chareidim, for which the punishment from Hashem, was, what happened in Meron.
Again, the headline is not accurate. There are a number of Rav Bransdorfers around. Perhaps put his first name to make it clearer.
As we learned from the Meron tragedy, the government should not do anything until an actual tragedy happens. It’s called fact-based governance.
What is wrong with waiting until that succah actually kills someone to take it down?
I don’t think this report headline is accurate. Rav Bransdorfer is not the or even an Av Beis Din of the Eidah Chareidis. He has his own Beis Horoah called Heichal Horoah of which he is the Av Beis Din. The article associates this event with the Eidah Chareidus which does not appear to be connected.
Isn’t this ridiculous? Even if the structure is unsafe, the police should not demolish it. It is a complete waste of police time and resources.
Every time someone builds an “illegal outpost” it takes years of court orders until finally maybe they could demolish it so why here are they coming to knock down?
Safety? Even if it’s a safety issue it’s still not the police job to take it down.
no words.worser then the nazis.and this in a so called jewish state
“Eidah Chareidis Av Beis Din”
This is not correct. R. Moshe Bransdorfer is not the av beis din of the Eidah. He is the av beis din of his own private beis hora’ah, which he founded, “Heichal Hora’ah.”
He is also affiliated with the Eidah, as one of dozens of rabbinical figures. But he is not the “Eidah Chareidis Av Beis Din” in an way, shape or form.
Please correct this asap.
It’s enough if a qualified engineer did actually approve of it. If something which is fully approved falls down C”V, it won’t be because they didn’t have a permit. Permits don’t make things safe, proper engineering does. Tearing down random Sukkahs based on social media pressure will not prevent another tragedy, it will only escalate fights.
HaRav Brosdorfer isn’t Av Beis Din of Eidah HaChareidis. He has his own Beis Haroah that is called Heichal Hoirah היכל הוראה. He was once a Morah Tzedeck (או”ח יו”ד) in the Eidah Hachareidis, but has been out quite a few years already.
So what happened to the reported agreement where the police would leave and the Sukkah would be taken down on Erev Yom Kippur? And after the disasters of Lag B’omer and Shvuos why are we still insisting on putting up structures that could cause another disaster to happen?
Can’t say I’m so so comfy with that succah but the israeli police are nauseating, the most unjewish creatures.
that looks perfectly safe to me
One big lie! Just another sensational story that YWN posts to evoke negativity and controversy. Shame on you YWN for posting this story TODAY when it happened last week and it was resolved amicably. It’s after Yom Kippur and all you do is look to bring about controversy? This is shameful! I challenge you to take it down right away. Do the right thing.
My understanding from your previous report was that they had agreed to dismantle it after a high level meeting
Something is being omitted
He is a big attention seeker.
Better headline
.. actually that wouldn’t be anything new or newsworthy at all
Fake Jews
Next …
The very large convoy of jackbooted thugs in uniform coming to knock down one man’s Succah look little different than gestapo storm troopers.
Why do Yidden act like animals so much. Wild animals. Just get out of the way . This is a MASSIVE chilul Hashem. So many tragedies with buildings, bleachers, etc. take the succah down. You still have time to build it some place else.
What happened to the Rav’s promise just before Yom Kippur to tear it down after yom tov and rebuild it safely on the sidewalk below? Did he change his mind or are these demonstrators just ignoring him?
How could an engineer approve this succah? It looks extremely precariously built, particularly from that height, and you can imagine how many people will crowd into it.