UK Student Sues Uni After Essay Fails Because It Didn’t Blame Israel

The Roger Stevens Building at the University of Leeds (Photo: University of Leeds/Wikimedia Commons)

A Jewish graduate of Leeds University in the UK filed a lawsuit against the university for failing her essay because she didn’t condemn Israel, The Jewish Chronicle reported.

Danielle Greyman says that her essay about Hamas’s crimes against Palestinians failed because she didn’t place the blame on Israel. Greyman, who had never before failed an essay at the university, appealed and an external examiner recommended that the essay receive a passing grade. However, since the result of the appeal was only received almost a year later, she lost her place at a Master’s course at Glasgow University.

She is now suing the university for negligence, discrimination and victimization.

In the failed essay, Greyman discussed Hamas’s use of human shields, saying it was viewed as “a betrayal of the Palestinian people by their government.” The moderator commented: “This ignores the fact that the Israeli state commits acts of violence.”

Greyman told the JC that losing her place for the Master’s course caused her tremendous emotional anguish. “I’ve studied sociology since GCSE [tests for university placement]. It was very much my passion, I wanted to become a sociologist. After this happened I had an entire meltdown where I was like, my dream isn’t going to happen, there’s no other career that appeals to me, what I am going to do, where am I going to go. I don’t think returning to sociology is an option.”

“I can’t retrain in another subject, I’ve used my student loan, I’ve basically wasted this time in my life. If retroactively I’d known what I know now I wouldn’t have studied sociology. It was a field created by Jews, and now the hostility towards Jews and Jewish students is insane. It’s really crazy.”

According to the report, at least one additional Jewish student at a British university is now also considering suing her university over discriminatory treatment while earning her degree.

UK Lawyers for Israel Director Jonathan Turner told JC: “Jewish students are more likely to write a pro-Israel essay that is critical of Palestinian terrorists, while Arab and Muslim students are more likely to write an essay that is critical of Israel. If students are penalized for defending Israel then that may constitute indirect discrimination.”

Turner added that students being penalized for supporting Israel is a common phenomenon.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. twisted twisted twisted. anyway, what’s a “chareidi” site doing quoting a irreligiously anti- orthodox and excommunicated newspaper like the JC??

  2. Recommend Leed’s faculty spend several days in Askelon, Sderot and other towns near Gaza City.

    Please, suggest all Jews study more Talmud T_rah, do more davvening and more chessed.

    All the best,
    a goy, Gerry Mullen

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