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IDF Suspends Senior Navy Reservist In Wake Of Protest Against Gov’t

Illustrative. Israeli Navy. (IDF spokesperson)

Israel’s Navy suspended the service of a rear admiral who announced that he was ending his volunteer duty in protest of the right-wing government, the IDF spokesperson announced on Thursday.

The status of a second senior reservist who also ended his service in protest of the government is under review.

Both men, who are active in the left-wing protests, served as heads of the Navy’s operational headquarters. However, since they are past the age of compulsory reserve duty, their service was voluntary.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. no one has a voluntary membership into our Torah World, None of our Avos’s would deal with this treason……trust soon those Eruv Rav and those Gentiles and Liberal fools are not counted in their evil and demonic ways…..time to start removing ones title and visa….if a home can be burnt as a result for death from Terror, then removing liberals identity in Israel should follow suit……this is a Chareidi World….we should all be proud to be part of it from 1% to as far as we can go

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