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TRUMP EFFECT? Hamas Backtracks On Delaying 2nd Phase Of Hostage Release Deal

Hamas animals during the hostage release on Sunday, Jan. 19. (Screenshot)

Hamas backtracked on the announcement it made Monday evening that it is delaying the implementation of the second phase of the hostage deal, issuing another statement on Monday night that the hostages will be released as scheduled, on Shabbos, January 25, 2025.

President Donald Trump had threatened serious consequences if either side violated the terms of the ceasefire/hostage release deal.

Four hostages are slated to be released on Shabbos, one female civilian, and three female soldiers.

Over the next month, three hostages are slated to be released each Shabbos.

On the last day of the first phase of the six-week ceasefire, a final group of 14 hostages is scheduled to be released.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. It behooves me why these brutal animals have been accorded the leverage to decide what or when as though they are equal partners. The UN is quiet. The world is quiet. Some are even jubilant that 3, nebech, were freed. I’m happy for them and full of praise to Hashem for their safe release. But gosh, the price that is being paid! I’m not complaining but I’m certainly not jubilant. I am confused and need some clarity.

  2. Why davka on Shabbos, necessitating chillul Shabbos, when Thursday could have worked just as well? Of course, we don’t want them there another day, and each day is סכנת נפשות but to specifically choose Shabbos seems wrong, or Friday for that matter, which would lead to chillul Shabbos on Friday night.

  3. Who says it was the Israelis who chose Shabbos? The animal terrorists historically have attacked on Shabbos or yom tov knowing the significance of those days. The animals may have had that in mind knowing the agmas nefesh it would cause. They do everything possible to cause physical and emotional harm. It’s part of Esav sonei l’yaakov.

  4. Every second that the hostages are in Hamas’s hands is pikuach nefesh, which takes priority. That said, these Muslim fiends understand the spiritual koach of Shabbos and they defiantly choose to cause the massive chilul Shabbos entailed by releasing hostages on this day. It’s an additional way to humiliate Israel. It means its incumbent on us to promote shmiras Shabbos and k’vod Shabbos. More than the Yidden kept Shabbos, Shabbos kept them!

  5. Who said that redeeming hostages on shabbos is mechalel shabbos? There isn’t one source in Halacha that would illustrate redeeming a hostage on shabbos as mechalel shabbos, as it would be the equivalent of referring to the work of Hatzallah to be mechalel shabbos. One would jump in a car and drive during Yom Kippur if it meant redeeming a Jewish hostage, let alone Hatzallah jumping to a medical emergency. Enough with comments which don’t accurately reflect Halacha!

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