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Volunteers Distribute Spiritual Flack Jackets to Golani Troops

bo2.jpgOf course the thousands of pairs of tzitzis distributed to Golani Brigade soldiers in Gaza were made from military green fabric, realizing the importance of not using white, which may make a soldier too visible in combat. The project is part of the Mezakim organization, spearheaded by the Bostoner Rebbe Shlita of Har Nof, who has always been a leader in efforts towards Ahavas Yisrael and Achdus.

The organization was busy providing the ‘spiritual flack jackets’ during the Second Lebanon War as well, and Mezakim has adopted the Golani Brigade and has distributed over 2,500 pairs of tzitzis.

Rabbi Eliezer Gottlieb, who heads the Rebbe’s organization explains that to date, the tzitzis were distributed via the IDF Chief Rabbinate but the ongoing Gaza War has its own logistical realities and as such, volunteers headed south and began giving out tzitzis to soldiers as they prepared to enter Gaza.

Rav Gottlieb is simply overwhelmed by the positive response, explaining the tzitzis are distributed with a document explaining the mitzvah and its importance. In one case he explained, a Golani soldier excitedly accepted the gift, kissed the tzitzis and shouted, “This is my real flack jacket”, adding the soldiers around him shook their heads in agreement.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. I think this is a great cause since for secular soldiers, it means the possibility and opportunity to wear tzitzis and the awakening of a consciousness to mitzvot and Torah. Now is the time. Our soldiers need our support and help from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Hundreds of soldiers who were presented with a gift of tzitzis from Mezakim donned tzitzis for the first time in their lives.

    A Midrash relates of a drowning man who cries to the captain of a passing boat. The captain tosses him a rope, which the man grasps and uses to hoist himself aboard and save his life. Hakadosh Baruch Hu granted us the rope of tzitzis to grasp and pull ourselves closer to Him. Tzitzis is a protection, for our bodies and souls and also serves as the link forming a deep connection to Hashem.
    Mezakim is, once again, embarking on an imperative project of sharing with our soldier and sending them this life-giving ‘rope.’ Our Sages have taught: “One mitzvah causes another mitzvah.” May your merit in causing another Jew to fulfill the mitzvah of tzitzit lead others to do the same and Israel to come closer to Hashem and one another.

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