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Delinquent Youths Cause Disturbances & Damage in Bnei Brak on Shabbos

The problem of delinquent youths is a growing one in many areas, including Bnei Brak. Last week, YWN reported of problems pertaining to the at-risk youths, in Bnei Brak’s Hey area. Now, the problem appears much more widespread, with residents of Bnei Brak reporting many passersby were harassed by the youths, and in one case, a Hatzolah responder’s windshield was smashed as he traveled to a call.  Mayor Rav Yaakov Asher is quoted in the daily HaMevaser as giving serious thought to a civil patrol that might “restore the feeling of confidence” that has been robbed from residents as a result of these law-breaking troublesome youths.

There is a recent case reported in which a number of youths who were described as “drunk” entered a yeshiva, damaged property and created a disturbance. They were not area residents according to the report.

Rav Asher admits the security patrol plan is a costly one, and it will be discussed with community representatives before being implemented since it would involve a security tax to assist in covering costs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. The establishment of vigilantly groups will not lead to peace but to violence. It would be more useful to seek out the reasons for the rejection of a Torah life. The first step in this must be a serious look at the education system in Israel. It is not only in the Chilloni schools that we can find unqualified teachers and administrators. It has been said more than once that if we were as stringent in our standards for teachers as we are in our standard of Shochtim, we would shecht few children and have more kosher ones.

  2. What did you expect? These kids come from home where the word “job” is heresy,
    The army is treif (almost as bad as working) learning is the ONLY option for a child of bnei brak. So what happens? These kids are not bad kids, their just not learners, since they can’t heaven forbid, “work” so they just aimlessly wander on the streets of Yerushaliaim and bnei brak getting into allsorts of trouble, but hey, it could be worse right? Imagine if they gasp! Had a job…

  3. To #2 -while I think you are right about the off-the-derech youth in America, I don’t think you are entirely right about those in Israel. In Israel most Chareidim DO work. I do agree though that boys who are not great learners must not be made to feel that they are no good in general. That does become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Rebbes must find the good qualities in every boy and build him up through them.

  4. Give them jobs cleaning up the burned out garbage cans and trash their friends burned and destroyed.

    Solve two problems at once.

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