Iron Dome Anti Rocket System Tests Successful

Optimism surrounds predictions that the Iron Dome (Kippat Barzel) rocket detection system will be ready to go operational in 2010.

A number of tests of the system intended to provide protection for southern area residents were conducted this week, with defense officials reporting the results were encouraging. It was added that the tests actually resembled real attacks, using some of the same rockets deployed by terrorists in northern Gaza.

On the down side, the continued development of the system sends a message that rocket attacks from Gaza are being accepted as part of life’s realities in southern Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The technical term for the reason this system will not work is “Cost Exchange At the Margin”. What that means is that to cost of killing one terrorist rocket is far greater than the cost of the rocket.

    All the terrorists have to do is buy more rockets and overwhelm Iron Dome.

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