Young Israel Leaders Meet With Noam Schalit; Discuss Ongoing Grass Roots Effort For Israeli MIA

lsh.jpgLeaders of the National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) met with Noam Schalit, the father of Israeli MIA Gilad Schalit, during his recent visit to the United States.  Mr. Schalit traveled to the U.S. to hold meetings with the Obama administration and Congressional and Senate leaders in an effort to solicit their assistance in the hope of securing his son’s release.  Gilad Schalit was captured by Hamas terrorists on June 25, 2006, and has been held captive in Gaza ever since.
According to Rabbi Lerner, the meeting with Noam Schalit centered on the importance of the continued support of Jews throughout the world while Gilad’s fate remains uncertain.
“To see the pain and anguish that Noam and Aviva Schalit have had to endure for nearly three years is heartbreaking,” said Rabbi Lerner.  “We must continue praying for Gilad and his family, and pledge to sustain the tremendous show of solidarity that the Jewish community has displayed during his time in captivity.”
“Gilad was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists, members of Hamas, in a terrorist attack within the sovereign soil of Israel in June 2006,” said Noam Schalit during his visit with the National Council of Young Israel.  “Since then, Gilad has been held captive by Hamas and has been in complete isolation without even elementary human rights, without allowing any international humanitarian body access to him.”
“My wife Aviva and I are the parents of Gilad,” continued Noam Schalit.  “We miss him very much – more than we can express.  We are eager for him to return home soon and we are extremely worried about his fate because we all know that in captivity there is no tomorrow.  Please do not forget my son, Gilad.  Keep praying for him and keep raising his plight whenever you have the opportunity here and all around the United States.”
Since Gilad Schalit was captured nearly three years ago, the National Council of Young Israel has led an ongoing campaign to pray for his well-being and safe return.  In addition, the NCYI launched an international grass roots effort aimed at bringing Gilad Schalit home.  The NCYI created, which is a website designed to help secure Gilad Schalit’s freedom.
Visitors to are urged to call, fax, and send letters to Israeli leaders on a daily basis.  The website provides contact information for Israeli government officials and representatives in Israel and in the United States, a sample letter that people can fax, e-mail, or send via regular mail, and sample wording to use when calling Israeli leaders.

One Response

  1. klal yisroel must continue to do what we can to help gilad shalit return home to his family and eretz yisroel.

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