Report: Sayeret Matkal Training Area to Become Chareidi Community

char1.jpgAn area used today as a training area for the IDF’s elite Sayeret Matkal reconnaissance unit, located in central Israel, is going to become a chareidi community, reports. During the previous administration, there were efforts made to advance the project but it was held up by Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
Housing Minister Ze’ev Boim during the Olmert administration sent three letters to the Defense Ministry but none received any response. Shortly after entering office, Housing Minister (Shas) Ariel Atias placed an emphasis on addressing the nationwide chareidi housing shortage and he pushed the matter forward. Barak responded positively providing the minister can find a suitable alternate location for the training base.
The minister is working to find a suitable location, realizing it is not a simple matter since a certain terrain is needed to accommodate the training needs of the unit, among the most elite in the military.
The location of the current training area, destined to become home to 5,000 housing units, may not be revealed at present since it still serves the Sayeret Matkal unit and the location is classified.
It is pointed out that Atias succeeded where Boim could not due to the good relations he maintains with the defense minister. There are also reports that Atias and other Shas officials are making arrangements for Barak to meet with HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita in the near future.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Training areas are often heavily contaminated.

    They may be giving it to the chareidim figuring that they won’t know better.

    Buyer beware!

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