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Ministerial Committee Rejects Calls for Enlarged High Court

The Ministerial Legislative Committee ruled on Monday against an attempt to increase the size of the High Court of Justice, seeking to add three additional justices, as was reported by YWN-Israel.

MKs Dr. Ben-Ari and Levine felt that increasing the size of the court would contribute to changing the character of the now liberalist left-leaning court. As indicated in Sunday’s report, one of the examples used to promote their agenda was last week’s court ruling ordering the IDF to open Highway 443 to PA (Palestinian Authority) motorists within five months.

The MKs are indicating they will seek another hearing since an advanced poll of the ministers indicated there was a majority of 18-11, but it appears the opposition of Justice Minister Prof. Yaakov Neeman may have pushed some ministers to change their position at the last moment. The bill was defeated in a 10-6 vote with 2 abstentions.

Members of the nationalistic Land of Israel Forum expressed surprise over the minister’s objections since he too is well-aware of the current political realities regarding the court.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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