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Litzman Gets Vaccinated Against Swine Flu; Discusses Hatzolah & MDA

litzman.jpgPerhaps to set an example, but a number of hours after announcing too few Israelis are being vaccinated against swine flu, the minister provided a photo op for the media as he got his vaccination.

Litzman added on Monday evening that the death toll from swine flu has reached 83 and he is confident that if everyone got vaccinated, 80 of those lives could have been saved.

When asked if there are rabbonim or admorim who are being vaccinated, he stated yes but it is not his place to make such information public.

The deputy minister stressed that as of Wednesday, January 6, 2010, the general vaccine for the general public will be available and he urges all Israelis of all ages to step forward and receive the vaccination after consulting with their physician to ensure they are not advised to act otherwise.

Health Ministry officials report the swine flu at present is very low, but that is not an indicator and it may very well come back in larger numbers, the deputy minister explained, adding therefore the vaccination advisory is still in effect.

In another matter, Litzman stated that MDA has not complied with the agreement regarding his efforts to bridge the gap between Magen David Adom and United Hatzolah, adding he feels he will have to implement his plan “by force” since the level of cooperation is not acceptable. He stated there are different issues being addressed, the professional medical aspect, and “yiddishkeit”, the demands of adherence to halacha. He is planning to meet with Eli Bin, the director-general of MDA on Wednesday.

Litzman promises to probe the matter in dept and he will find a solution that is “favorable to all or to no one”, or perhaps just he will emerge pleased, but he plans to bring the matter to conclusion. He stated MDA will be responsible for the medical matters and the other issues, such as shabbos, tznius and halacha, will be decided by the rabbis appointed to address halachic matters.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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