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MK Danon: Klein’s Home will Not be Demolished

According to MK (Likud) Danny Danon, the home of war hero Major Roi Klein HY”D, in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Yishuv Eli in Shomron, will not be demolished despite a Supreme Court Ruling to do just that.

Ironically, the neighborhood in question, Kiryat HaYovel, is home to many IDF combat career officers, and the widow and children of Major Klein, who during the Second Lebanon War jumped on a hand grenade while reciting Shema, saving the lives of all those around him.

Danon explained he has been in contact with officials, declining to detail, but indicated he remains confident the 12 homes in that neighborhood in Eli would not be razed. Ironically, the neighborhood in question is not a pirate plot of land, but state-owned land. The homes in question are not makeshift structures, but permanent homes built legally, with the owners acquiring mortgages from banks. The neighborhood has a shul, mikve and kindergarten facilities, but the Peace Now organization, backed by the liberal left High Court of Justice, continues to work to oust Jews from areas they believe rightfully belong to the Arabs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. i dont understand…..if everything is legal, why are these homes risking demolition? i am not a fan of demolition of ANY homes, but what reason could they have to want to destroy these perfectly legal homes?

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