Shalits Are Fed Up Of Clichés

Addressing an Israel Bar Association gathering in Eilat on Sunday, Mr. Noam Shalit stated that after four exhaustive years of his son Gilad being in Hamas captivity, he is absolutely unwilling to accept “clichés” and criticism that his and supporters’ efforts towards facilitating Gilad’s release may be counter-productive.

Mr. Shalit stated the days of silence are over, and he is unwilling to hear any future criticism, government officials intimating that such actions are unwanted. He expressed his unwillingness to hear about government “bargaining of Gilad’s life’.

Attending as guests at the convention, together with Gilad’s mother Aviva, they explained that all that could have been done by the state may have been accomplished in four years, expressing his pride as an Israeli when the IDF responds to a crisis in Haiti, yet seems incapable of doing the same for their son in neighboring Gaza. The Shalits feel too much effort is being expended in addressing the need to release terrorists while Gilad remains in captivity, void of any visitation.

They spoke of the release of master terrorist Samir Kuntar, and the Goldwasser Regev deal in which the bodies of the soldiers were returned by Hizbullah.

Mr. Shalit stated there will be no more silence, and they demand the state do what needs to be done to spare Gilad’s life and avoid having a death sentence carried out.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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  1. grees ball, I just want to make you aware that if and when you regret having your name attached to something that is pure onaas devarim for bereft parents and all who care, you can let the moderators know and they will delete this.

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