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Our only hope of saving Asher is open-heart surgery in Boston.

Every day, we hear another story, another tragedy.

So many tears, so much heartbreak. How many times did I hear these stories myself?  

How many times did my heart wrench in pain for the people suffering? 

I always felt for them. I’d often make a small donation or at least offer a prayer on their behalf… 

Never in a million years did I imagine that, one day, the story would be mine. 

Never did I dream that my tragedy would be posted online, my misfortune exposed to thousands. Who would have thought that one day I’d be in this position of reaching out to my Jewish brothers and sisters with a desperate, urgent cry to save my baby’s life? But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. 

Five months ago, I gave birth to a baby boy. Several hours later, we were informed that our baby has a serious heart defect, but that iy”H, he’d be alright. Our newborn was rushed into emergency surgery to have a stent inserted. The prognosis was good, and the doctors assured us that we’d be home before we knew it.  

But then, our dreams collapsed. 

We were on the way to being released from the hospital, when our baby suddenly went into cardiac arrest. We saw the Malach Hamaves before us trying to steal our baby away from us, but Hashem sent us a miracle and saved our little Asher. 

The hospital staff was incredible, and baruch Hashem, managed to resuscitate him, saving his life at the very last second. Our baby survived, but barely. His life is still hanging by a thread, and the doctors say that his only chance of long-term survival is open-heart surgery in Boston. 

The cost of the surgery is exorbitant, but our child’s life is infinitely more valuable. It’s priceless.  

We’ll do everything in our power to save Asher’s life, but we desperately need help to cover all the affiliated costs of the travel and surgery. Six months ago, before it all started, my husband was learning diligently in Kollel, and I supported our family as a kindergarten teacher.

We led a simple, content life. We couldn’t afford much in the way of luxury, but we didn’t need it, and we were happy with all we had. Since the birth, I’ve barely left the hospital. My maternity leave has long since expired, and our meager savings are rapidly dwindling… 

With no choice, I’m reaching out to you with an urgent, tearful cry for help. 

Open your hearts and hands so we can take Asher abroad for surgery!  

Help us save our baby’s life! Help us bring him safely home! We can’t do it alone!  

In the zechus of your generosity, may you and your family enjoy only health and happiness forever! 

Please click here to help little Asher

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