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Klal Yisrael is joining forces to save Blimi’s life!

One morning, 7-year-old Blimi woke up to find herself in the hospital. She’d been completely healthy, until a recurring pain above her eye and sudden blurred vision led her mother to take her to an eye doctor. 

A series of tests revealed a blocked vein that can burst at any moment and leave her blind—or comatose!—forever!

The doctors unanimously concur that Blimi requires an urgent catheterization of the brain, and in Israel, the chances of success are virtually none.

Blimi’s only chance is to travel immediately to the United States for emergency surgery.
At home, the family is in a state of shock and terror.

Her parents have always struggled to make ends meet, but now they’re facing an impossible expense.

Klal Yisrael is joining forces to save Blimi’s life!

We can’t refuse the pleas of a little girl who just wants to live!

Save Blimi now!





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