INN: Details of the incident are sketchy. It began shortly after 10 AM, when a group of tourists, apparently from Germany, walked into the religious neighborhood of Meah She’arim wearing orange shirts, emblazoned with the missionary slogan ‘Your G-d is my god, Your people is my people.” Some eyewitnesses reported seeing a missionary emblem on the back of the shirts. A group of religous youths and men very quickly surrounded the group? and started yelling at them to get out of the neighborhood. It was not clear whether the hareidim pushed them before or after an orange-shirted man kicked one of the hareidim. There were also conflicting reports as to whether the hareidim chased the Germans up the street, or whether another group of suspected missionaries was encountered nearby in a separate incident.
A spontaneous protest rally was held afterwards in Sabbath Square, between the traditional religious communities of Meah She’arim and Geulah, and two hareidim were reportedly arrested.