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Locations which Shevach Meats were distributed

After consulting with Monsey Rabbonim, these locations have been affected by Shevach Meats. [The exact year for each location that had meats distributed I cannot confirm for you.]

Fair Oaks Bungalows, Pragers Bungalows, White House Estates, Bait V’egan Bungalows, Camp Munk, Camp Morris, Stamford Yeshiva Bais Binyomin.–YW Editor.

4 Responses

  1. I would caution those who had the meat to CONSULT WITH YOUR RAV BEFORE GOING CRAZY.

    There are differening approaches to how the halachos apply to the circumstances and where one should be machmir and where meikil, and there may be a divergence of opinion between gedolei haposkim. Asking YOUR Rav is the proper approach.

  2. I know first hand that Camp Morris (proper) gets NO MEAT from Shevach! ALL their meats and chikens come diredtly from the distributors! Please postthis correction.

  3. For all those that went to Camp Munk, there is no concern since Camp Munk DID NOT get any chickens from Shevach Meat. The only thing they get is the PREPACKAGED coldcuts that are NOT a problem according to the Rabbonim shlita.

  4. Would Ploni Almoni please identify himself? This is serious business. If you have first hand knowledge, tell others from the Camp Morris area who you are and how you come to have this knowledge.

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