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Ahmadinejad: Zionists different from Jews

Iranian President Ahmadinejad said in an interview with Time that he has no problem with Jews in general, but that the “Zionists” who occupy “Palestine” are an illegitimate people and nation.

He calmly suggested that the 5 million so-called “Palestinian refugees” be allowed to return to the area, and then all inhabitants of Greater Israel vote for the government they want. (If that happened, the Arabs would easily outnumber the Jews.)

He want on to blast those who have “persecuted” him for asking questions regarding the Holocaust. He said that if the slaughter of six million Jews was truly a historic event, then no one should have a problem with an investigation into it.

Of course, untold numbers of investigations and mountains of grisly evidence have already proved the veracity of the Holocaust, but Ahmadinejad is not prepared to accept those results.


6 Responses

  1. Re:Iranian President Ahmadinejad said . . . he has no problem with Jews in general, but that the “Zionists�? who occupy “Palestine�? are an illegitimate people and nation.

    For this concept we have the Neturei Karta to thank!

  2. Of course that’s probably why they bombed the AMIA building in Argentina………..

    They should put out an indictment on all of these Iranians Ym”s that keep coming here.

  3. To Ploni Almoni:

    The Neturai Karta chayos would probably answer you by claiming that at least now Jews who are NOT Zionists are safe from Ahmadinejad (sp?).

    In other words, they turn it around. They would claim that until the NK vomited their ideology, people like Ahmadinejad hated ALL Jews. And now, thanks to the NK, he hates only Zionists.

    The amazing thing is that they seem to actually believe that!

    They actually believe that should people luike him get in charge, or if Hamaas is given charge of all of Israel, that they WOULDN’T kill us all in our sleep! (Or even awake.)

    Hashem yatzilainu.

  4. to take a swipe at the Gedolim of pre-war Europe (or of any generation) is NOT what a “Yeshiva Man” would do. perhaps you should rethink your moniker.

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