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Sudan blames Israel and Jews for it’s problems

Sudan’s president said on Tuesday his country would never allow U.N. peacekeepers into Darfur and charged that the West wanted to dismember his country in order to help Israel.

“It is very clear there is a plan to redraw the region,” especially after the invasion of Iraq, President Omar Hassan al-Bashir told a news conference on the sidelines of a ministerial U.N. General Assembly session.

“The main purpose is the security of Israel. Any state in the region should be weakened, dismembered in order to protect the Israelis, to guarantee the Israeli security,” he said.


One Response

  1. It is gratifying to see how much power the Jews have in the UN, we can dismember the whole world if we want to. I would have thought that Kofi attacking Israel for “brutality” and “occupying Palestinian land” would have thrown them off the scent. But nooooo, those Sudanese are just soooooo, so clever aren’t they? Can’t fool them.

    This reminds me of the old joke about the Jews sitting side by side, one reading a Jewish newspaper and frowning, and the other reading an anti-Semitic paper and smiling…

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