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Chicago: Liberal synagogue hit with swastikas

Vandals spray-painted “Free Palestine” and “Death to Israel” on the Ner Tamid Ezra Ha-Bonim liberal Synagogue on the North Side of Chicago during Pesach. According to Chicago police, the building was spray-painted with offensive language and derogatory messages towards Jews. Noarrests have been made.

8 Responses

  1. The anti-semites know there is no difference between the various camps. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew whether Reform, Conservative, Liberal, Reconstructionist, Orthodox or secular. It makes no difference if you are a Chassid or a Litvak, an Apikorus or a Satmar. They know it, it’s about time everyone here realizes it too.
    Enough with all the nonsense of whose rebbe is better, what additional chumrah you can take upon yourself for pessach, what hechsher or shule you no longer eat/daven in because it is not up to your *higher* standards. Learn to get along and enjoy each other and each other’s strengths. We are all in the same boat and we all have the ultimate goal of l’shem shamayim. We may not all practice the same way but in the eye’s of the “other” (read goy) we are truly all the same.

  2. IMHO: We do not define ourselves by how the anti-semites look at us, nor by the eyes of the goyim. And why are people who strive to a *higher* level, and are in the eyes of some intolerant of a lower level, castigasted more than those who aim for the *lower* level, and rail against those at the higher level.
    Also, this ‘Liberal’ Synagogue, is Conservative, which means that it sanctions Chillul Shabbos, and a host of other problems that don’t (shouldn’t) need elaboration for the bloggers here. So the L’shem Shamayim in their goals, should be taken with a grain (or a pound) of salt.
    Actually, this facility has been the host of a Lubavitch Girls High School for a number of years. They are getting ready to move out, and the building is available for sale to any buyer for the right price.

  3. to IMHO:
    Good point, to the anti-semites, a Jew is a Jew, and it’s not news either. Hitler ym”sh, certainly did not differenciate. But honestly do you really think that everybody in Klal Yisroel’s goal is truly L’Shem Shomayim?

  4. imho do you feel the same way about the nk and those who berate them or are these speeches reserved for those who make you feel insecure?

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