WATCH: Newt Gingrich On Nunes’ Surveillance Revelations

One Response

  1. YW, did you send Hatzalah to RT before you posted this? She’s having a heart attack H”Y!

    And to Gadol, Huju and Crazy too, and they should bring along tons of tissues. These losers are going bananas from the pain they’re experiencing now that President Trump was after all right all along – and so was Arye!!

    Guess who wrote this just a few days ago?

    March 20, 2017 at 12:33 pm
    “So now we hear again from the FBI and the NSA that Trump was lying and neither agency wiretapped or in any way engaged in surveillance of the Trumpkopfs…I suspect Aryehlah and his chevrah will be crying gevalt and how the entire world but them is lying and only they know the truth.”

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