VIDEO: Shas’ Election Video Against Assimilation Viewed as Racist


A Shas election infomercial against assimilations has been labeled “racist” and Labor candidate Nino Absadza has turned to the Central Election Committee to disqualify it. The infomercial warns that a strong Yisrael Beitenu without chareidi representation in Knesset may lead to a fast track for state conversions and the new giyur reality may lead to intermarriage chas v’sholom, especially with the realization there are so many goyim from the FSU living in Israel today.

Absadza, who heads the immigrant faction of the Labor Party list, feels the Shas ad is racist, prompting her to seek its disqualification. She feels the new immigrants shown in the video are portrayed in a demeaning and ridiculous fashion.

MK (Kadima) Yuval Zellner joined in, expressing his outrage over the infomercial, attacking Shas insensitivity to new immigrants.

See the controversial video:

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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