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Video Of Interest: Lipman On The Chareidi Draft

21 Responses

  1. Is he really that foolish that he doesn’t realize that the law till now is what prevented the chareidim from entering the work force? – The Tal law said that a chareidi gets an exemption from the army but the individual gets no work rights.

    Doesn’t he know the the IDF doesn’t need and doesn’t want them in the army? Doesn’t he know that the state will LOSE big money having all Yeshiva bochurim in national service? – The facts and numbers are clear, but it’s a political game.

    They see the direction of the Chareidim is actually going towards taking over the country, and yes integrating in all aspects of israeli life, and they cannot take that! so this is to delegitimize them in the general society.

  2. 1) What is it about the declaration at the asifa that nobody is to serve didn’ he understand?

    2) Many chareidim work and earn money and contribute. But as long as it is illegal for them to do so, their contributions will be limited Make it permissib. le for them to work, and tax rolls will increase.

    3) The call for a prayer rally instead of a violent protest. . .?! How insulting, devisive, hateful, can you get.

    4) Of course they were part of the committee. . . . fighting the  legislation the entire way.

    5) Can you mention the name of the Rabbi who is encouraging you? From the Agudah? From Degel/Yahadut HaTorah? From Mo’etzet Chachmei Yisroel (Sefardim)? From either Chief Rabbi’s office? Give us a break. Stop all the misleading comments.

  3. Sick. Twisted. Apikorsus. How can you give a forum for such chillul Hashem? Furthermore,calling him a Rabbi is a mockery of all authentic yidishkeit.

  4. @Mully

    not working for a living is a mockery of “authentic yiddishkeit”

    Rabbi Lipman is a product of the same institutions that produced many leaders of klal yisrael.

    It’s hard when one of your own “turns on you” but calling him a denier of one or more of the thirteen atributes of faith is a stretch.

  5. First, let’s not sink to name calling. talk l’inyan
    Second, have you read the details of the proposed law? All haredim will be able to work legally, close to 30,000 from the first day. To say “that the law till now is what prevented the chareidim from entering the work force?” – that’s exactly what the new law will correct!
    And third, halevia the haredim were intergrated into society. But this will be the beginning of actual integration.

  6. Since the Chareidim were there long before the Zionists, the Zionists have no right to stop any of them from going to work, even those under 22.

    The only reason for these games by the Zionists is the raison d’etre of Zionism: shmad.

  7. Lippman is like those who decided in the early 1940s that the Germans would win, and decided to do their best to be in their good graces. Will he realize the mistake when Yesh Atid calls for a ban on Bris Milah, or to require stunning animals before killing the? We should be dan le-kaf zechus and assume he is merely a fool.

  8. #5 yagel libi:
    Achdut? The govt and the right wing are in la la land. They have no idea how this will never ever happen. The way the bill was passed and the obvious sinah and mocking of the chareidim killed it for them. Had they been smarter about it from the begining then some portions could;ve gone through but they lost it. You really think that the chareidim never had a choice to turn out like this shallow superficial lipman? But all 600,000 of them and yes, I mean 600,000 of them chose and are strong as their ancestors were and commited to this path. And little naftali bennet and dov lipman will not be the ones to change it. You know that when chareidim in the holocaust said”yeharog v’al yaavor” let it be the 90 students in warsaw or all others that found even their beird being cut as if they were killed. And they were ready to die. Israel is not enough at war with it’s neighbors that they need to fight with it’s pple too. Now please explain the word achdut in this? Achdut amongst chareidim, yes. But otherwise it has only caused hate.

  9. Has anybody noticed his brushing off the Atzeres, as “They didn’t call for a violent demonstration, they called for a prayer rally” adding that anyone familiar with the “Ultra Orthodox” understands that the whole Atzeres was just “Abi Yoitza zti zein” but deep deep down they agree that it is necessary to implement the new rule.
    Well maybe we DO need a PROTEST rather then just a “Prayer rally”. It seem like that is the only language they would understand. May’Oivy T’Chakmeinu.

  10. crisisoftheweek [9],

    “Not working for a living”??!!
    – You are a product od blind consumption of criminal media. For your information, %80 of left wing Kibutzim are bankrupt and are living off big fat checks from taxpayer money, besides their sports and entertainment and libraries and what not all covered! but no one talks about that… they are one big Kollel! except they also don’t learn a word.

    And for your information, Chareidim are THE ONLY SECTOR that pays more taxes than it gets back. If you calculate all the so called ‘services’ that are not used by us, such as sports, opera, art, and a million stupidities, and drug rehab, and prevention of teen violence etc. etc. etc.besides the fat grants to universities who btw house MANY MANY chiloni draft dodgers… – and we know that most tax revenue comes from the top rich %10, and Chareidim have more rich taxpayers per capeta than other sectors…

    We all know that the yishuvim, the pride and joy of Bayit Yehudi, are costing mega mega bucks! – and NO ONE claims they contribute to the economy in any proportion of what they cost, other than the ideological cause.

    – Just a tip of the iceberg.

    But did this Rasha ever try to hear what respectable people like Rabbi Neugraschel or Rabbi Moshe Grylack, or Rabbi Tzvi Inbal have to say before choosing his path? – of course not! He knows it all!…

    שם רשעים ירקב

  11. MD Shweks: you are so so so right and are raising a major point. The expenses and money they pull from the govt grossly and majorly outways any service they’ve ever done. I work in the chareidi school system and they have machanot choref and kayitz. One just needs to see the campuses the DL community owns. Some are just for high school. Each campus is like a college campus in the states. And an auditorium and green land and what not…. We were joking once by saying: ok, so let’s see if the DL are gonna approve all this…. For the chareidim if there are pesharos. Ur point is one of the most important points I’ve read until now. And yes, I don’t stop paying the govt. And never know why. I don’t have a normal family doctor. We have govt approved buildings rising up and blocking hard earned apartments which pple pay huge taxes for. The bus transportation in our area is horrible. My kids school doesn’t have a normal building. And as u’ve mentioned; we don’t use any of the other outlets like sports centers etc… So what now? This is all a plan of uprooting the foundation of yiddishkeit. And I have no doubt that we’ll be seeing nissim. I can see netanyahu’s meeting in america being a disaster and him feeling the messages from hashem. Or studd like that that will make him change his coalition. Or just a plain simple open nes. Hashem yaazor!

  12. #13 – you are leaving some of the information out so I will quote his Rosh Yeshiva (Ner Yisrael)

    “He’s written me a letter explaining himself, that he means l’shem shamayim [for the sake of Heaven], that he’s trying to strengthen Torah, in his view. And therefore, since he’s a SHOGEG, I cannot call him a rasha and I retract my statement and I apologize to him for calling him a rasha,” [Rav] Feldman said. (I CAPPED the word shogeg)

    Here’s some other quotes of HaRav Aharon Feldman in the article.

    “However, he is extremely misguided,”

    “The positions and statements of MK Lipman in no way reflect the views and education of Yeshiva Ner Israel,”

    “I don’t know how he was corrupted; he didn’t learn it here in yeshiva,”


    It is clear that Lipman speaks for himself and in no way expresses the views of the Chareidi community. Not the Rabbanim, nor the people.

    Furthermore, I find it ghastly that some ignorant American fellow who clearly has not been able to shake off any of his Americanishkite in the short ten years that he has been here has the audacity to think he represents the Israeli Chareidi community and their way of thinking. This Boar needs to humble himself and know his place. More to come…

  13. אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו

    If the neighbor was a Rasha as well then it should say, אוי לרשע ואוי לרשע

    כמשמע לן that the שכן is not a Rasha. However, if you sit in their camps, you take their brunt!

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