Yishai Fleisher: The Ultimate Jewish Party And The Secret Of Meron (English)

3 Responses

  1. This guy means well but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. the fire is not a yizkor candle for the Jewish Martyrs. its a remembrance of the pillar of fire that lit up by the demise of Rabi Shimon. it’s not a celebration of returning to Israel it’s a celebration of the revelation of the hidden secrets of the Torah. We really don’t understand Lag B’omer just like we really don’t understand the writings of the Ari z”l.

  2. He is so misinformed about the meanings of Lag B’Omer. Where did he receive this info? Achdus aside, I have often wondered why so many come to Maron. Is it just to be part of a big party? If one doesn’t learn or appreciate what the Rashbi brought down to us, what’s the point? Perhaps, by simply being there, with all who do, may plant the seeds to consider learning the deeper concepts he brought us, each at his own level. That would be a kiddish Hashem.

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