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Yishai: Bennett/Lapid Working to Keep Shas Out

labeCommenting on ongoing coalition talks between Likud/Beitenu and Bayit HaYehudi, Shas leader Eli Yishai on Thursday morning 18 Adar 5773 explained that he feels Bayit HaYehudi and Yesh Atid are working to keep Shas out of the coalition, and those efforts appear to be succeeding.

Yishai stated that while Shas aspires to be in the coalition, “we will not betray our hashkafa, our beliefs or our values”.

Yishai writes on his Facebook page that while he does not have first hand information regarding the progress in the talks between the parties, it appears that there is progress and the current situation is one that will not permit Shas to enter the coalition.

Yishai feels the general elections resulted in an untenable situation and “there are elements who are taking advantage of the situation to advance their agenda at the expense of voters, who are being betrayed.”

He added that “entering the coalition and receiving ministries, offices and posts are not an end, but a means to serve the tzibur at large and there is no shame in this”, explaining the party’s desire to become a coalition member. He laments the efforts against the Torah world and the inexperience of the new MKs, which he feels is evident in the manner in which they are conducting themselves.

Yishai promises that in or out of the coalition, Shas will continue doing its utmost to serve the tzibur and remain true to its constituents.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Netanyahu clearly doesn’t want to force the draft on to the chareidim.
    At the moment he has no choice, but to agree to do so in order to form a coalition. He realizes if he can’t form a coalition now then Israel goes to new elections in which he may lose out entirely.
    Can he be trusted to go along with Lapid and Bennet to draft the Chaeidim. Obviously not. He was never a man of his word and he’s not doing teshuva now.
    After the new government is formed will the Lapid and Bennet succeed in drafting chareidim?
    The ball in a way is in the court of the chareidim. netanyahu will stall and the only thing that will push him is the political climate. If the chareidim are careful not to antagonize the secular and instead manage to present a positive and gentler face, maybe they can succeed in keeping it away. If they antagonize the secular, we’ll see a major emigration of chareidim to Europe and America.

  2. Yup, this is their platform:

    1. To keep Sephardic Jews unemployed so that they have to rely on the good graces of Shas for their sustenance.

    2. To keep Sephardic Jews from joining Tzahal because they that would teach them usable skills (see 1 above) and instill within them loyalty to a cause (Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael) other than the Shas party.

    3. To verbally state that they are reclaiming the crown of Sephardic Jewry while turning their constituents into Ashkenanic chareidim in terrms of hashkafa, attire and manner of speech.

    4. To join in any coalition – even with the most Leftist and anti-Torah of parties – so long as they can maintain #s 1-3 above.

  3. Please give me a buzz when the emigration of Charedi Jews leave to Europe (Muslim ruled), Asia (Work ethic is the lifeblood), America (Gay marriages/Bris issues,etc.), or GAZA (Jews are infidel society).

    Perhaps some ‘Yeshiva Bochurim’ will choose the path of IDF and get job training, educational grants and day skills needed for parnassa. Except the anti-state education given over so freely in the Charedi mosdos will have to be minimized in order to produce ‘Emotional Healthy’ individuals.

  4. The middle class (more elites than a mere Bourgeoisies) regards the presence of the Sefardim and the Hareidim as their “misfortune”(as in “unser Unglück”), and they yearn for the good old days when they could believe (wrongly) that Eretz Yisrael under control of the secular Ashkenzi European oriented zionists. Its a myth, but its their myth.

    A high percentage of hareidim have jobs and serve in the army. Sefardim have produced many successful people. It makes no difference. Lapid and Bennett are bigots. Saying that we need to do such and such and they’ll stop hating is makes as much sense as some European Jews who 75 years ago thought that if only we do such and such the Germans would love us.

  5. Most of his statements fall into the category of Purim Torah. The reality, as indicated by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics and generally acknowledged even by chareidi leaders, is that the vast majority of chareidi men neither work nor serve in the military.

    And I suspect that even one were to investigate it would be found that most chareidi men aren’t learning Torah full-time either.

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