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Misaskim On The Scene of Jewish Person Killed In Manhattan Jewelry Store Robbery

[UPDATES BELOW] The NYPD is searching for an alleged robber accused of killing a jewelry store worker on the Upper East Side.

According to police, an armed robber carrying two bags entered R.S. Durant Jewelry at 962 Madison Avenue [near 75th Street] shortly after noon.

Investigators say he announced a robbery before shooting one of the workers in the chest. According to a WCBSTV report the person shot was the store clerk.

The suspect left with a large amount of jewelry, according to police.

The gunshot victim was brought to Lenox Hill Hospital and R”L pronounced dead.

Highly credible sources tell YWN that the Jewish victim is a man in his mid 70’s from Long Branch, NJ.

Police said another worker who was in the store at the time was not injured, but it is unknown whether there were any customers in the store at the time.

The gunman is described as being in his 30s, five-feet-ten-inches tall and weighing about 150 pounds. He was last seen wearing a blue overcoat.

Misaskim volunteers at currently at the NYC Medical Examiners Office awaiting the arrival of the Niftar to begin their Avodas Hakodesh. Additionally, Misaskim Volunteers have been dispatched to the scene, and are working closely with the NYPD – as this will be a lengthy investigation.

UPDATE 4:28PM EST: The Niftar has been released from Lenox Hill Hospital, and is being brought with a Misaskim vehicle to the NYC Medical Examiner’s Office – where a team of investigators along with a  dedicated team of trained Misaskim Volunteers are waiting. A second crew along with a “Disaster Response Vehicle” is arriving at the scene, although NYPD Detectives will not be finished their investigation for hours.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. We’ve seen this before at every recession, seems like the desperation is here again R”L.

    Kudos to this Misaskim organization. I’m appalled at their response. The news breaks and they’re there already. I’m jealous of your (and Hatzolah volunteers of course) Olam Habah. Chazak Ve’emotz, and may we never need your services.

  2. Comment number 1….Your “apppalled” at their response? I think you mean amazed?

    Misaskim is the most amazing organization to pop out of the wood works in the last ten years.

    May all the people that work for or are behind misasmik be gebenched along with their families and know of no more tzores in klal yisroel.

  3. misaskim truly are amazing. and mr. hirsch, you should get a little better command of the english langauge before posting.

  4. Why does everybody need to coment on someone elses english???
    May mashiach come and we won’t need these organizations any more

  5. “an alleged robber accused of killing a jewelry store worker on the Upper East Side”. I hope he’s accused of other things as well!

  6. To all those who are “AMAZED” etc.

    Are you aware that Misakim is struggling financially and that there is a link right here
    on The Yeshiva World where you can show your appreciation in a concrete way

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