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  • in reply to: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust? #1657740

    Yisroellazear you say you were a Mashgiach worried about Yoreh Deah and Choshen Mishpat. What about the laws of Loshon Hora? Why aren’t those laws important? You could have made the same point about pay without mentioning the names of a Rav HaMachshir. Also, although I hear your point, you make your whole statement suspect by ranking out a Rab Hamacshir for your hurt I’m waiting for pay. (Don’t get me wrong they should have paid you right away, but IbthinI think you get my point).

    in reply to: Parents visiting married children uninvited at night??? #1117032

    It is very wrong for anyone to just show up at a married persons home after 8 PM. It doesn’t make a difference, whether it is parents, in-laws or friends. It is family time, bed time and very often couples need to go out. The Goq seems to think that the author would not have a problem would it be her/his parents, I think it is a problem either way. Mashiach Agent is correct, you can tell them ” we really appreciate that you stop by, but please call in advance, We really would like to make your visit comfortable, so we want to make sure it is a convenient time.

    in reply to: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children #1099402

    HaRav Binyomin Eisenberger Shlit”a on a chol Hamoed gave two or three shiurim on this topic, and although he didn’t pasken, he said based on all the shitos and medical facts that we know, students need to be vaccinated.

    in reply to: Kol Kevuda Bas Melech Penima #1077615

    Josh31 you seem to be very busy with supporting wives:

    1) Do you?

    2) FYI, you can get your wife a computer with a good filter and she can shop on walmart.com

    3) For women/girls clothing you have to go to Jewish stores anyway, because once the girls are 10 it gets harder to find skirts and tops that fit properly.

    4) Nothing wrong if you help out with the grocery shopping

    in reply to: Why do women get blamed for getting divorced? #994151

    This is pathetic. Every man unfortunately has the upperhand as they need to give a get to free their wife to marry. Unfortunately althoough the man under the chuppa has undertaken to immediately pay, they very ofte use it to as a weapon.

    Now it doesnt say that women are innocent, As someone mentioned earlier, it takes two to tangle, and the marriage didn’t fall apart overnight. I believe both women and men need to grow up and that in many , but not all cases solve some of teh get issues.

    A wise man once said, marriage is not a compromise, because tehn you always feel like you are giving in to the other party. Rather marriage is about seeking agreemnet. When both sides agree, you both end up on teh same side.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843630

    One of the posters said that we shouldn’t forget that NK are also Yidden. The problem is that we didn’t forget that they are yidden, rahther they themselves have forgotten that they are Yidden. There is a major difference, between what they are doing and making a macha’ah.

    Since the Neturei Karta act like non-jews rather than like Torah True Yidden, we have a right not to consider them as Jews. Just because they go to shul or keep shabbos it doesn’t mean anything. Let’s remember very simply. In Shamayim there is a scale and one side the mitzvos are placed and on the other side are rachmana litzlan the aveiros…. i am not mekane these individuals.

    This as many have mentioned in earlier posts is not what the Rebbe ZT”L had in mind, and had he been alive he would have made an outspoken macha’ah against them.

    Hood Shabbos and may moshiach come soon, so that we may live in Eretz Yisroel and see the bais Hamikdash in all its glory, bmiheira!

    in reply to: Is It Tzniyus For Boys To Wear Shorts #885279

    Actually, this entire thread is becoming rediculous.

    Issue 1 should be, what is the halcha?

    Once that is solved, then what is the corrcect thing to do from a sensitivty stand point.

    I think even those comments that are leaning towards or outrightly (is that a word?) saying that it is ASSUR, are not sayin so mitoich Halacha. It seems that is “assur” from a sensitivity stand point. In other words, just as you wouldn’t go to a business meeting in shorts, so too you shouldn’t go to bais medrash, walk in the street. However, in a gym, excersize room, basketball/volleyball courts, etc., whot would be the issue?

    One poster mentioned boys camps with many women walking around boys camps. Unfortunately there ar emany women that walk around boys camps. In truth, almost everything the see is muttar l’halacha, because women may see legs, etc of boys/men. However, from a sensitivity standpoint just like they shouldn’t be in the pool area during men’s swimming, so too they should be making themselves scarce on the boys camp grounds.

    in reply to: A Story about a Jew getting arrested at Shul #691798

    I must say, you obviously came to Yeshiva World to vent your frustration, but never bothered finding out why Rabbanim Assur going to Har Habyit.

    We are in Golus, we’re tamei nefesh, etc.

    There will be a time (hopefully very soon), where you will be able to go to Har habyit.

    all the best

    in reply to: Wife has an issue… #685480

    1) # 4 is the way to go for starters. Wouldn’t you use a different block to walk down if you felt threatened by the people living there, even if it wasn’t the most convinient way?

    2)Ask your LOR

    3) A possible solution with pwermission from the LOR. Why can’t yur wife very directly tell him, that as the manager of the store he has the right to say hello, can I help you, respond tp your questions or concerns, however, all other questions and conversations are off limits due to Tznius reasons. I am sure that he will stop with your wife immediately, and possibly get him thinking about others.

    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992873

    It looks good, but needs the dates added to the articles, and also the e-mails need to be like the old system, so that we can read it with browsing.


    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025104

    This forum has become more and more rediculous as you read on. I don’t think any Rav would say a skirt that allows the full knee to be seen is acceptable. Therefore, if when you walk it is barely covering your knee or mid knee, so anyone saying that mid knee is acceptable, how do you make sure it remains mid-knee in the wind, when sitting down, or when climbing steps????

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684435

    I didn’t say you can’t, what i meant was that it has nothing to do with “mother’s day” you want to make her happy you can buy her an ice cream, a thinking of you card, flowers. It doesn’t make a difference. But I don’t see the difference between next Sunday and this past Sunday. As a frum yid, you are probably always thinking of your mother. So whenever you feel it would brighten her day, then go for it. This mother’s day thing was created as I said, bec. these mother’s (and fathers on Father’s day) weren’t ever getting recognotion or respect from their children, so they mahe a day to celebrate it. We don’t need it.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684433

    Mother’s and father’s day were created, becays the non-jews in scoiety weren’t being respected. So they made one day a year to get their attention. When we give nachas to our parents, and we bring a smile to their face by doing ANYTHING for them, we are mekayem a mitvas asei of Kabeid Es Avicha Ves Imecha! and that is a greater gift than flowers that die at teh end of the week along with the whole mothers dya thing

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