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  • in reply to: average shadchan rates? #1114782

    AZ: Isn’t it possible a communities minhag is different in how much they pay a professional shadchan vs. How much they pay a non-professional shadchan?

    Also, what constitutes a kehila in Brooklyn regarding minhag? BP vs. Flatbush? Midwood vs. Marine Park? Chosid vs. Heimish vs. Litvak? And is it based on the shadchan’s community minhag or based on the choson’s community minhag?

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837123

    Seriously Sam? If the YU Beacon ran an article advocating the reinstatement of slavery and the New York Times, CNN, the Slate, etc. were running leading stories titled “Racism at Orthodox University”, when they contacted Mr. Fertig you think he would not condemn the article? He would start equivocating about no censorship, etc? I think we both know quite well that YU’s administration would officially condemn it, unlike their response to the znus article.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837117

    YU didn’t condemn it in official YU Administration capacity. There spokesman was very equivocal without a word of criticism for the Beacon.

    Even if it were milder, and an author published an article in the YU Beacon expressing support for slavery and segregation on buses with blacks in the back and wished there was still a poll tax, I’m quite sure that the YU administration would strongly condemn it in no uncertain terms. Despite the authors constitutional freedom of speech and press to express racist views. Yet for one of the worst averias they do less?

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910974

    The Ribnitzer Rov, in America about 30 years ago, married a 20-something year old girl when he was in his 60’s.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837115

    Are you kidding, Sam? I am willing to wager any money that if the YU Beacon published a story of a YU guy who proudly recounted how every Sunday night he hangs a noose on a tree in front of his black neighbors house as he and some of his YU friends yell racist comments, the YU administration would very quickly officially and publicly condemn that in unequivocally strong words.

    Racism no but znus yes??

    YU also has freedom of speech to register their opposition to something. YU saying they oppose something does not infringe upon anyone else’s speech.

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910970

    mdd, that could be the case with humongeous difference in age. But a 50 year old guy with a 22 year old wife (as the Chasam Sofer married) has been quite common in our history and isn’t the large discrepancy the s”a refers to.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837112

    Sam: The least YU should have done was to officially denounce the YU Beacon after they published that. They went in the opposite direction with their official comments of no censorship, freedom of speech, etc. Where were the condemnations for such an egrigious incident? They too have freedom of speech to condemn something they don’t agree with.

    If they didn’t agree with it, that is.

    in reply to: girls lighting #911636

    The Chasam Sofer was probably providing a teshuva to a shaila presented to him asking if females should light on Chanuka. That isn’t him “seeing a need to justify” the minhag, but rather him simply answering a shaila and explaining the teshuva.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837108

    And even after the incident, official YU spokesman Meyer Fertig when addressing the YU Beacon incident refused to condemn it, equivocally stating that YU respects their right to publish such stories and saying they should enjoy freedom of speech and press to publish whatever suits them.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837106

    Sam: Until this recent incident, YU provided official student funding for the YU Beacon.

    in reply to: girls lighting #911634

    gavra: your lack of understanding a long established minhag in klal yisroel, doesn’t make it a questionable minhag.

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836344

    apy: how did he defend it?

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837103

    Sam: Why would someone quote “completely anti-religious” attend YU, and moreso even publish a periodical under the YU name?

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836339

    If “X” and “Y” are both bad, if someone does one of the bad things he cannot point out that the other thing is bad?

    If someone smokes cigerettes he cannot point out smoking marijuana is bad? Or even moreso, a smoker can’t tell a non-smoker that smoking itself is bad??

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910963

    ItcheSrulik: And you would be a rasha to marry your daughter to an abusive 18 year old. Don’t mix that up with age. Marrying your daughter to a normal 18 year old or a normal 65 year old has the same halachic status with neither one being inherently wrong.

    mdd: Can you please summarize what Even HaEzer says on it? Does it specify ages? Otherwise, what are the ages that are considered wrong, according to S”A?

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910953

    mdd: Thanks for that. Is that halacha brought in shulchan aruch? Or where? And how old is “young” and how old is “old”, as it pertains to this halacha?

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836328

    You seriously think skipping Yeshiva for a choir or TV show is no big deal?

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837093

    I think that the public discussion of the issue is a substantive objection. It borderline provides legitimization for it. Hence Rav Twersky’s point. It would be equivelent, as I believe R. Twerski himself pointed out, having a public forum at YU for adulterers to discuss their taivos for other folks’ wives.

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910951

    Just because someone thinks something is”icky”, doesn’t make it wrong in any way.

    in reply to: girls lighting #911625

    hello99: How do you find all the sources for an issue?

    in reply to: Can a Yid Criticize the President? #836451

    You can interpret the Torah better than the gedolim or able to judge them?

    in reply to: Can a Yid Criticize the President? #836449

    The same Torah applies to all of the klal.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837086

    So why did even some of the Roshei Yeshiva of RIETS have objections?

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837082

    Why did they cheer him for anything, considering he publicly and unashamedly admitted at the YU gathering that he actively engages in the worst sins possible?

    in reply to: Can a Yid Criticize the President? #836447

    Just because a godol said something doesn’t make it Torah law; the godol said it because it is Torah law. (And in this case he explained it with the sources, if you listen to his full comments.)

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836320

    cinderella: Missing Yeshiva means missing Limud Torah. What is the justification for skipping Limud Torah?

    in reply to: average shadchan rates? #1114776

    AZ: Why would a shadchan have any bad feelings if he was paid within the going rate, even if it was on the low end (yet within) of that rate?

    in reply to: girls lighting #911613

    hello99: Do you use the bar illan cd to find sources, go by your own phenomimal memory, or have some other method of finding all the relevant sources? Thanks

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910946

    First cousins marrying is somewhat common in some kehilos.

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836317

    Boys that age have Yeshiva on Sunday.

    in reply to: girls lighting #911608

    If their mesorah is that girls don’t light, it is very understandable that a girl will feel something wrong by them lighting (and thus going against the mesorah).

    in reply to: Can a Yid Criticize the President? #836444

    Not every right enjoyed under American law is enjoyed under Torah law.

    in reply to: average shadchan rates? #1114774

    Btw, you only are obligated to pay the lowest end of the going rate.

    in reply to: average shadchan rates? #1114773

    A rebbi teaching your child Torah is also a mitzvah, yet you need to pay him. The halacha is to pay the going rate for a shadchan, rebbi, or gardener.

    in reply to: Poll: Life tenure? #835969

    The problem is that these thugs in robes legislate from the bench and declare the law what they would like it to be, rather than interpert the law as it is written, as they should.

    in reply to: There is no Perfect System… #836015

    Doesn’t a clear majority of the frum community in the US live “in town”?

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836297

    Can someone please explain what these abbreviations (nbc, cbs, fox) refer to?

    in reply to: average shadchan rates? #1114769

    aries: You are mistaken. Halacha clearly, and specifically, states a shadchan must be paid the market rate for making a shidduch.

    in reply to: Bishul Akum? #883180

    From a recognized posek or from an armchair posek-wannabe?

    in reply to: Lip Synching and Deception #835945

    Halacha derives one area from other areas in psak, even if isn’t explicit. It seems to me you are seeking to frame yourself in the worst possible light, as implausible as it is.

    in reply to: The Mechalel Shabbos Troll #839276

    If you’re talking about the Kings Highway Annual Shabbos parade, it was and is to encourage shops to close on Shabbos via encouragement.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #837070

    Wasn’t (or isn’t) R. Lamm an official rosh yeshiva at RIETS? And isn’t Rav Schachter’s position as RY no greater than any of the other RY’s of RIETS.

    Also, shouldn’t we differentiate between RIETS, which is a yeshiva, and YU, which is a secular university?

    in reply to: kashrus horror stories (2 help us realize the severity) #836523

    popa: So to understand your point, if a kosher establishment finds out (after the fact) that for the past 3 months their employees were cooking their bacon in the oven they prepared their customers food…

    a) nothing to worry about the past, as they’ve strictly been following all halachic kashrus requirements to maintain a kosher food establishment. Customers need not be notified nor must all their customers replace/re-kasher their utensils used with the food from the past 3 months, as all kashrus requirements were strictly followed.

    b) nothing to worry about the future and no need to change any practices, as they’ve always been following all kashrus laws until now, as it is. And assuming all the bacon offending employees have since quit, there is no need to treat the new non-Jewish employees any differently than the previous bacon-baking ones, as all kashrus laws were always followed from the get-go.

    l’m assuming I’m still misunderstanding you, and my above two conclusions based upon my understanding of your stated guidelines are incorrect. Please correct my understanding and point out where, what, and why the above two points aren’t the natural conclusion of your points.


    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910935

    If our grandparents didn’t ask, it is only because they knew the answer. And the answer may very well have been in the negative.

    in reply to: kashrus horror stories (2 help us realize the severity) #836520

    Unless I am misunderstanding popa’s response to me above (and please correct me if I am), popa is saying it is unnecessary to inspect/check your non-Jewish employees/domestic help for treif food (as Jothar is suggesting), since there is no strict such requirement written in halacha.

    in reply to: girls lighting #911589

    Sam: Women are generally motzei with their husband/father.

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910932

    insurance: To the contrary. It is questions like this that helps one realize the holiness of our people. I guarantee none of your gentile neighbors have such questions, how to insure the proper separation of the genders. Regardless of what the answer is (yes or no), it is certainly a most legitimate question.

    in reply to: Lip Synching and Deception #835942

    Wolf, do you think people will consider you a kofer if you don’t bow with the tzibur by modim, if you are in middle of s”e? Yet as DY pointed out the halacha is that you do. So the comparison is applicable to your case.

    in reply to: Cheating by Eating Cholov Akum #835998

    Dr D: You can’t assume if you don’t see a dairy ingredient, that an OU-D product is merely “dairy equipment”.

    And Rav Moshe himself recognized that other poskim could disagree with him and that some would follow others on other issues. Do you use a timer on an air conditioner on Shabbos, even though Rav Moshe held it impermissible?

    in reply to: Cheating by Eating Cholov Akum #835989

    Why can’t someone trust OU even if they do not rely on ou-d? They trust the reliability of OU without accepting the kula of cholov stam.

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