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Jerusalem Bus Victim Laid to Rest

Meir Margi z”l, the 11-year-old struck by a bus in Ramot on Wednesday evening, the eve of 5 Elul 5772, was laid to rest on Wednesday night. The boy was standing in the street near the curb with his sister on Avraham Eidelson Street when he lost his balance, fell down into the roadway and was struck by a passing bus, killing him instantly.

According to eyewitnesses, Meir and other children were standing near a vehicle selling cotton candy at about 18:20 Wednesday night. Meir fell and was struck by a private bus.

According to police investigator Moshe Cohen, many children were gathered around the cotton candy truck. The bus stopped when he realized there were many children in the area. When he began driving again, the driver behind the bus noticed Meir on the ground, near the rear of the bus. It appears the driver never realized he struck Meir.

Police indicate the cotton candy salesman is going to be questioned and he may have to contend with charges against him for parking his vehicle irresponsibility and as a result, endangering the safety of the children.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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