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A Chassidish visitor to Beitar Illit was chased by a pack of dogs in the early hours of Shabbos morning as he was walking from the mikvah to shul. A

Parachutists jumping from World War II-era planes hurled themselves Sunday into now peaceful Normandy skies where war once raged, heralding a week of ceremonies for the fast-disappearing generation of Allied

Vermont has become the first state to enact a law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a share of the damage caused by climate change after the state suffered catastrophic

The bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows is prompting development of new, next-generation mRNA vaccines — akin to COVID-19 shots — that are being tested in both animals and

Google said Friday it has made “more than a dozen technical improvements” to its artificial intelligence systems after its retooled search engine was found spitting out erroneous information. The tech

The annual Israel parade was kicking off this morning along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, with tens of thousands of participants and attendees expected. The parade, now officially called “Israel Day

President Joe Biden said Friday that Donald Trump being found guilty in his New York hush money case reaffirms “the American principle that no one is above the law,” and

Scientists have found the genetic root of a disorder that causes intellectual disability, which they estimate affects as many as one in 20,000 young people. And they hope their discovery

Following his unprecedented felony conviction, former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has to wait to find out what his sentence will be. But even if it involves time

In a tense hearing at the High Court of Justice, judges challenged the government’s legal counsel, Attorney Doron Taubman, on the issue of conscripting Charedim into the army, pressing Taubman

As weight-loss plans go, it’s easy to see the allure of intermittent fasting: Eat what you want, but only during certain windows of time — often just eight hours a

Israel Police on Sunday lifted a gag order on the arrest of a terrorist in the Old City of Jerusalem two weeks ago. The 31-year-old Palestinian traveled to the Old

New York City’s rat-hating mayor has once again been ticketed for a rat infestation at his Brooklyn property. Mayor Eric Adams’ latest ticket was issued by a city health inspector

Donald Trump’s lawyer told The Associated Press he was surprised at Trump’s stoic demeanor as he listened to the verdict that made him the first former U.S. president convicted of

The World Health Organization said member countries on Saturday approved new steps to improve global preparedness for and response to pandemics like COVID-19 and mpox, and set a new deadline

The Hezbollah terror group continued to pound Israel with rockets and drones on Sunday, beginning early in the morning. Sirens blared in the Galil as children were on the way

Bruhat Soma insisted he was nervous during the idle hours as he waited to take the Scripps National Spelling Bee stage, and he felt even more pressure to perform given

HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau requested that the Chareidi public say Tehillim on Sunday morning as Israel’s Supreme Court holds a hearing on the future of the Chareidi draft law and

Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday morning held a fateful hearing regarding the petitions filed by left-wing organizations demanding that all funding to yeshivos be permanently halted and that the IDF

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign has announced a staggering $52.8 million in donations in the 24 hours following his guilty verdict in his hush money trial. This amounts to over

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