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Cheney: Picking Palin For VP Was A ‘Mistake’

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sen. John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his 2008 running mate was a “mistake” and cautioned presumptive nominee Mitt Romney to select someone “capable of being president.”

In an interview with ABC News aired Sunday, Cheney said McCain’s decision to pick former Alaska Gov. Palin was not “well handled.”

“The test to get on that small list has to be, ‘Is this person capable of being president of the United States?,” he said, adding that Palin had failed to meet that qualification.

“I like Gov. Palin. I’ve met her. I know her. She – attractive candidate. But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don’t think she passed that test…of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake,” he said.

Cheney said he had spoken with Romney and Beth Myers, the campaign adviser heading the search for the vice presidential pick but would not publically share his advice.


8 Responses

  1. Actually the real problem was following the media and choosing Johnny Mac in the first place. The second real problem was that the lamestream media failed to do its job and vet OblameO.

  2. As a governor, she had more executive experience than McCain. If it hadn’t been for Palin, McCain would have lost in a landslide.

  3. Based on what he says makes a VP qualified, how in the WORLD did Obama pass muster and become president???! Talk about unqualified!

  4. informed-in-flatbush is sooo right.

    Palin energized a VERY lethargic GOP and was the best defense against Obama.

    McCain went to the NAACP and basically endorsed his competition. (Contrast that with Romney)

    Palin had the guts to call Obama out on his miserable agenda and lack of any appreciable executive skills – and now were paying the price.

    2008 was a referendum on Obama – at least she was able to prevent an absolute landslide.

  5. It doesn’t seem to have had an effect on the election, as the deciding factor was President Bush’s disastrous economic policies. Had Palen been the problem, one would not have seen a jump in McCain’s polling soon after the convention. In fact, it seems that undermined McCain was the economic collapse that began in mid-September.

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