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Police Arrests Thief Who Stole NIS 70,000 From HaRav Zilberstein

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, Rav of Ramat Elchanan and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, was robbed of tens of thousands of shekels on Sunday from his Kollel in Holon.

While the Rav was davening Shemoneh Esrei, the thief rummaged through the Rav’s personal belongings and took NIS 70,000, which was earmarked for the Kollel avreichim.

The Rav’s assistants immediately filed a complaint about the theft. The investigation received priority treatment thanks to a close friend of HaRav Zilberstein, Rav Naftali Halperin, the halachic advisor for United Hatzalah.

The police located and arrested the thief around midnight on Sunday night. However, the money is still missing and the police are continuing the investigation in hope of finding the money.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem, all Israelis are already vaccinated, including the yeshiva bochrim. Something inside me hopes this is a stock picture from some previous pre-covid time when Harav was distributing cash. I thought maybe this stock picture is from the time before British allowed Jews to use banks, but the image is taken from whatsapp. I think whatapp was not allowed in yeshivas before medinat.

  2. Yashar, which part of the joke?

    a picture of a packed room of Rabonim, police and youngsters, all without SD and masks?
    Rav carrying NIS 70K cash to distribute to avrehim?
    If police is reading YWN, this is most likely cued by an insider who knows what day Rav carries cash, where he davens, and how his bag looks.

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