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Former Canadian Justice Ignored Bias Against Jews?

un flag.jpgAn extensive study of anti-Semitism at the United Nations accuses Louise Arbour, the former Canadian Supreme Court Justice who is in her third year as the High Commissioner for Human Rights, of having “failed to take any public action” on bias against Jews.

Monitoring group UN Watch says it could not find any examples of Ms. Arbour publicly confronting anti-Semitism in her job as the UN’s chief advocate of human rights.

The 64-page report praises other senior UN officials who have spoken out against such things as Iran’s Holocaust denial, among them Ban Kimoon, the Secretary-General, his predecessor KofiAnnan and UN racism expert Doudou Diene.

(Source: National Post)

3 Responses

  1. Louise Arbour is from one of the most entranched Xenophobic and antisemetic area in Quebec, despite having moved to Ontario and then a Justice of the Court of Appeal there, she has never understood the reality that one should be more opened, she is a very weird lady – Anti Everything and her coments on the International court was another ilustration of her bias. At the moment in Quebec there is s revival of the dark ages of antisemetism on the run, only the goim should be allowed there.

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