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Flatbush Breakfast To Benifit P’eylim / Lev L’Achim

This Sunday morning, January 13th at 9:15 AM the Flatbush community will unite at a gala Breakfast Reception on behalf of P’eylim / Lev L’Achim at Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin, corner Nostrand and L.

The rich program at this unprecedented event will include a riveting presentation by the renowned HaRav Yissocher Frand, the power and magnetism of former actor/director and now Teshuva movement leader, Rabbi Uri Zohar and, for the first time in Flatbush, the famed Chazzan of our generation, Reb Yitzchok Meir Helfgot.

Rav Zohar, in turn, brings the brachah of the great mekubal, HaRav Rebbi David Abuchatzeirah, who asked that he receive a list of all the donors to this Lev L’Achim event so that he can daven for whatever yeshu’os they need.

More than fifty shuls and nine summer colony groups have joined to sponsor this event and guarantee its success. The unanimous support of the Gedolei Torah of Eretz Yisroel and America has given P’eylim / Lev L’Achim a unique status in the tzedaka world. It is therefore most fitting that we take this opportunity to highlight some of Lev L’Achim’s most noteworthy activities and provide a glimpse at the scope of this truly nationwide movement of Bnai Torah that has so drastically changed the face of Eretz Yisroel.

P’eylim/Lev L’Achim is staffed by more than three thousand volunteers and eleven hundred professionals and operates the following independent programs:

Project Rishum:  The Campaign to Enroll Non-Observant Children in Torah Schools.  The secular families of Israel are opening their hearts and homes to the caring activists of Lev L’Achim.  Over the years, tens of thousands of children have been placed in Torah schools and are their way to living as true Torah Jews.

Midrashot Erev “Night Kollel Network”.  Over 700 Kollel fellows give shiurim to the not-yet-observant five nights a week in over a hundred shuls throughout the length and breadth of Israel.

Thousands of Kollel fellows and their wives volunteer one evening each week to visit the homes of the not-yet-observant Israeli families and reach out to them with warmth, openness and the undiluted message of Torah. Once they light the spark of yiddishkeit the Lev L’Achim professionals move in to arrange kashering for the home, placement of the children in Torah schools, enlistment in shiurei Torah and much more.

40 Midrashot Shalhevet centers across the country care for thousands of not-yet-observant girls in their teens and twenties and provide classes, Shabbatons and counseling.  Thousands of girls who never knew what Shabbos is are learning to replace the emptiness of a secular lifestyle with the warmth and sanctity of a Torah life.  For the older girls there is help in finding shidduchim and establishing a Torah home.

Lev Shomea deals with dropout prevention and the rehabilitation of misguided youth from chareidi homes.  By providing emotional support and intensive follow-up, the 100 staff members of Lev Shomea are able to help most of these young men and women find their way back to the mainstream of Torah life.

For more information or to make a donation, please contact the P’eylim / Lev L’Achim US Development Headquarters at 1034 East 12th Street in Brooklyn, NY 11230. Telephone – 718-258-7760.

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