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Obama: I Wouldn’t Have Run Again Without Biden

obbiPresident Barack Obama says if advisers had suggested to him replacing Vice President Joe Biden, he would have told them there’s no way he’s running for re-election without Biden.

The book “Double Down — Game Change 2012” claims high-ranking Obama aides considered replacing Biden with Hillary Rodham Clinton on the 2012 ticket. The White House has said the campaign did poll to see if replacing Biden would help but that it never reached Obama’s desk.

Obama tells NBC News that choosing Biden as vice president was one of his best decisions. He says he wouldn’t be here without Biden’s support. He’s praising Biden as one of the best vice presidents in history.

Obama says Biden is his friend and one of his most important advisers on foreign and domestic policy.


3 Responses

  1. And if you like your plan you can keep your plan. He lied then and I have no doubt he lied by saying he wouldn’t run without Biden. I mean really. What does that empty suit bring to the table? Plugs and teeth implants and that’s about it.

  2. “obama says biden is his friend and one orf his most important advisers on foreign and domestic policy”

    that explains a lot, no thinking indivisual would think of these policies

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