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FAKE NEWS: Viewers Demand Apology from MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Over Vaccine Comments

Viewers of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow are demanding an apology from the host for claims she made back in March that the Covid-19 vaccines stops the virus completely and prevents further transmission, Fox News reports.

“Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with very vaccinated person,” Maddow told her viewers on March 29th.

“A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else,” she claimed. “It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people.”

While the vaccines have shown to be effective in preventing serious illness and deaths, at least for the first strains of the virus, the emergence and rapid spread of the Omicron variant – even among the vaccinated – have raised concerns over the vaccines’ effectiveness.

“It’s wild how there are no consequences for all these vaccine lies,” journalist Clay Travis tweeted. “If you wonder why many are skeptical of the covid ‘vaccine’ it’s because they remember what they were told about how effective the vaccine was. All that Rachel Maddow says here is untrue.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. Yes, she should admit her mistake back from March. It would also be appropriate for the purveyors of misinformation and lies, on FOX for example, who shill their messages daily to do the same.

  2. I totally agree. Vaccines were oversold from the very beginning and should have been characterized as effective at REDUCING infection and hospitalization rates. No vaccine in history has provided 100 percent protection. However I don’t recall the media similiarly highlighting hundreds of equally false (and sometimes malicious) comments and assertions from Fox News (much less OAN and NewsMax) with respect to Covid, masks, vaccines, phony therapeutics, comparisons of public health guidelines to the Shoah and Nazi tactics etc. etc.). A bit of “fair and balanced” editorial coverage would be refreshing.

  3. No apology is needed. This is not the era of Huntley and Brinkley. This is the 21st century, and no reasonable purpose would expect NBC “news” to be anything other than “fake news”.

  4. Was her statement based on the best scientific information available? If so, she was correct in stating such, and the blame lies with scientists overstating their conclusions and not trusting the public enough to understand that there are shades of gray, and that vaccines can save lives even if they are not perfect.

  5. There were lawsuits over Maddow bending the truth in the past and she won because she claimed that everyone should realize not to take her seriously.

    There are plenty of things that Maddow said which I’m sure that she did not believe deep down. This isn’t one of them.

  6. If Maddow were to apologize every time she told a lie she’d be doing nothing but apologizing all day. It would be far easier for her to apologize every time she told the truth.

  7. There are no lawsuits that you can sue on the vaccine. They are given the complete green light to say and do what ever they want. All mandates all executive orders. No rules or regulations for them. Big Pharma rules all the way.

  8. If she would start issuing apologies for all the lies and nonsense she spouts, that would take up all her bandwidth. She’s the epitome of עולם השקר

  9. If all the lying so called scientists , crooked politicians and media would apologize, their apologies would fill up an ocean and they still wouldn’t be able to come up for breath.

  10. She should apologize, as well as the commenters on this site, including the ones that already commented above, for repeating the same lies as well, such as gadolhadorah (the gaava is a dead giveaway,) and anyone else who continues to spout the same lines from the left, such as Jan. 6, Jan. 6, Jan. 6. Tick tock, your time is up trump, and all that nonsense.

    You cannot call yourself a frum yid, and support the left. While your mother may be jewish, that does not mean you are frum.

  11. yeshiva world should apologize for not reporting on the suicide of chaim walder.

    What. In. The. World?????????

    I pray for your servers to dissolve. What a worthless bunch of phonies you are.

  12. What’s wrong with media outlets lying and covering up stories to their audiences as they see fit? Maybe she consulted with a Rav and this is how she was told to proceed.

  13. so posting about his death… no chas veshalom…..

    posting about his over alleged wrongdoings….Rabbi hoffman loves it? Does rabbi hoffman approve each comment as well?

  14. I’m just curious about one thing here, at what point did YWN become part of the propaganda wing of the republican party along with Foxnews/Newsmax ? By no means did you guys ever have any sortof standards, but it’s just so blatantly obvious now. The only thing shocking to me is that you guys aren’t still promoting Zelenko along with all the conspiracy theorist that frequent your comment sections.

    You’d genuinely have to be ignorant not to know that the virus which was circulating in March is not the same disease that is spreading today. The disease that was spreading in March was largely blocked by the vaccines and there was little to no transmission in the fully vaccinated. The greatest evidence is the fact that cases plummeted in all highly vaccinated areas even for those who were unvaccinated. However due to not enough of the worlds population being vaccinated (and eventually boosted) the virus continues to mutate to what we have today. Clearly the vaccines are no longer completely blocking the current disease. However, scientist believe to some degree they are blocking transmission in boosted people. But again theyre scientist , but on this republican conspiracy website that means evil communist “sewer rats” or whatever the deranged commenters calling people they don’t like.
    Keep up the great work guys though continue to pretend to be pro vaccine and yet oppose any effort to get more people vaccinated , nevermind it’s anti Jewish philosophy it’s what the Republicans are telling youb!!!!!!!?? And chas vshalom no one wear a mask they can kill you along with vaccines and drs after all it’s all daas torah.

  15. I am shocked, shocked, that so many people here are even aware of these silly shows, whether on the left or on the right. If YWN is not providing sufficient news to you, can you find some decent, scholarly sources? They will still be biased, but they will not be full of shmutz and clear silliness. Try Wall Street Journal, Economist, BBC or something like that.

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