THAT STINKS: Woman Isolates for 5 Hours in Airplane Bathroom After Testing Positive Mid-Flight

A schoolteacher says she voluntarily spent five hours in an airplane bathroom after she tested positive for Covid-19 during the flight, the BBC reports.

Marisa Fotieo, a US schoolteacher, says her throat began hurting her while on a flight from Chicago to Reykjavik, Iceland on December 20th, prompting her to take a rapid Covid-19 test which she had brought along with her, and which confirmed that she had been infected with the virus.

She says she then spent the remainder of the flight – some 5 hours – isolating in the airplane’s bathroom with flight attendants providing food and drink to her.

“It was a crazy experience,” Fotieo told NBC News. “[There were] 150 people on the flight, and my biggest fear was giving it to them.”

The schoolteacher says that upon landing in Iceland she was required to isolate in a Red Cross hotel until she tested negative.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. jms > I’m not sure what happened to our Am Kadosh, that so few people — at least online — seem to care

    while I share your consternation, maybe things are not as bad as they look online. In another forum, there was a poll on who supports vaccine mandates: result was 90% in favor, but comments were 2/3 against, in part due to the same people posting repeatedly. See “silent majority”

  2. For those wondering about the brocha before eating and drinking (which cannot be made in a toilet) – assuming she is Jewish:

    It was mid-flight that she discovered her illness.

    As such, she likely already made a brocha rishona on food and drink prior to discovering her illness.

    The bathroom is within the line of sight from her seat, so the brocha covers eating in that area.

    The brocha acharona she would say after exiting toilet.

    There are heterim for modern bathrooms that do not keep waste materials – as did toilets of yesteryear (before modern plumbing which flush the waste away), but such heterim would likely not extend to making brochas or tefila.

  3. Her motives are kind, but WHY did she do a dumb corona test?
    She already infected everyone anyway.
    That’s taking it to far.

  4. I thought Covid is only spread in Shuls and Yeshivos, NOT on jammed packed airplanes to Orlando or Cancun?

  5. So she tested with a pre positive rapid test.
    @1818 vaccines don’t work neither do masks so just continue on with life the flue shot from the previous year won’t work on this year the reason is because it’s from Corona virus family and they mutate really fast so even if it worked once it’s irrelevant now. It’s the same reason you can get a cold twice in the winter. We can’t go on like this forever. Vaccines will never be the answer for any Corona viruses.

  6. She is either absolutely mentally retarded, or simply another newly converted member of the pagan idolatrous religion invented 2 yrs ago.

    There can NOTHING more SUPERSTITIOUS than this crazy nut head!!

    I don’t want ppl telling that Hungarians have crazy superstitions, alright, this lady takes the cake!!

    And I thought my mother in law was the worst…….

  7. @1818
    Thank you. It’s so nice to hear a bit of sanity once and a while. I’m not sure what happened to our Am Kadosh, that so few people — at least online — seem to care about not killing the people around them.

  8. 1818, I agree with you in general, but it is possible that there are more people behaving responsible than we feel. How do you estimate how many people behave inappropriately – by reading news or social media and by looking around.

    For social media, you hear the most vocal. In one survey, 9/10 people said that they support some sort of vaccine mandate, comments were 2/3 against (many form same people).

    For your personal observations, you see people who come somewhere, you do not see people who did not come.

  9. > How did she recite ברכות

    Modern bathrooms , even airplanes, are probably clean enough for that. Anyone knows the answer?

    Also, if one can avoid seeing anything and uses a mask to avoid smell, can he say the brocha then?

  10. If it was the Omicron variant she should have shared her blessing, as the Omicron variant is basically Hashem’s natural vaccine, way more effective and safe than anything people are lining up for…

  11. Why do I get upset when I read this story?
    The reason is because this woman is acting in a way “we “ should be acting.

    But so many of “we” are not.

    Between all the people not masking
    All the people not vaccinating,all the people with fake vaccine cards,all the people with fake corona tests
    “We” are acting in a way not becoming of people that are supposed to be a light onto the nations.

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