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UPDATED INFO – Petira of Mrs. Peshy Brudny A”H

candle723.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Mrs. Peshy Brudny A”H, wife of Rav Elya Brudny Shlita long-time Magid Shiur, and a Rosh Yeshiva in Mirrer Yeshiva (NY) – after a long illness. Mrs. Brudny was the daughter of Rav Nochum Zev Dessler Shlita, Dean of The Hebrew Acadamy of Cleveland, and an Einikle of Hagon Rav Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler ZATZAL, the Mechaber of the Michtov M’Eliyahu.

Mrs. Brudny is survived by her siblings: Mr. Reuven Dessler, Rabbi Eli Dessler, Rabbi Simcha Dessler, Mrs. Sarika Schiff of Monsey, Mrs. Malki Rappaport of Lakewood, and her six married children & grandchildren.

Her husband, Rav Elya Brudny Shlita is the son of famed Magid Shiur & Rosh Yeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva, Hagon Rav Shmuel Brudny ZATZAL.

The Levaya is scheduled for 1:00PM on Thursday at Shomrei Hachomos Chapels on Ft Hamilton Parkway in Boro Park, and will be brought to Kevura in Eretz Yisroel.

May she be a Maylitz Yosher for her entire family, and all of Klal Yisroel.

UPDATE: To listen to a live hook-up of the Levaya call 718-705-5555 pin 2613

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

19 Responses

  1. i have no words other than HASHEM WHERE ARE YOU? STOP THESE TZAROS!!!!! hamakom yinacheim aschem bishoch shiur availa yisroel. may Reb’ be a mailitz yosher for her family and all of klal yisroel.

  2. Boruch Dayan Haemes!! The whole of Klal Yisroel is joining the choshuve mishpocho in this terrible time. May they find a nechama besoch Avlei Tziyon.

  3. Words cant begin to explain what great Aishes chayil the world lost. Peshy was a woman who personified this.The mesiras nefesh she showed in everything she did,In her being there for Reb Eli all these years,The midah of Hatznei Haleches im Hashem Elokecho was there at all times,

    May Reb Eli be able to continue to do the worlds of chesed he has done all these years for all people in Klal yisroel and continue to be Mashpiah on the Thousands of people who have been affected by him and continue to be affected by him on a daily basis.

    May The Nifteres be a Maylitzah Yesharah for her Parents Shetichyah, Her Brothers and sisters Her Mother in-law,All the wonderful Children and grandchildren

    May we be zoche to see moshiach tzidkeynu bekorov

  4. tere is no way of really measuring the degree of Kidush Hash-m that this great person genmerated in her short tiome on earth. She was a long standiung teacher at Magen David Yeshiva and litterally every person who encountered here walked away with a better appreciation for Torah and yidishkeit.
    A true Tzadkanis who left a generational mark which will carry over for eternity.
    I personally know adults who have had her as a teacher who say that she changed their life.

    May she be a meiltz for all of us, and may she rest in the Ziv Hashechina reeping the rewards she has earned.

  5. Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes! Yidden, WAKE UP!! Let’s start living for Hashem again, and stop being so integrated with the Umos HaOlam and following in their trends, styles and ways! Hashem is talking to us, let’s listen!

    Let’s start davening better!

    Let’s start making Brachos with more Kavanah!

    Let’s start treating one another with more respect!

    Let’s start learning more Torah!

    Instead of surfing the internet all day on sites that hurt our Neshama, let;s be mekabel to only browse Frum websites.

    Even a small Kaballah, will go a long way!

  6. Baruch dayan haemes

    She was a true aishes chover who helped her choshuve husband be a marbitz torah.

    May her family have a nechama and rebbe should have the koach to continue giving shiurim/

  7. If possible, when calling in to listen to the levaya mute your phone, otherwise your conversation can be heard and not the hespeidim. Thank you.


  9. Comment to 1. asna, you said, HASHEM WHERE ARE YOU? Where isn’t Hashem ? Hashem is our Father,
    and our AV HORACHAMON. Hashem feels our Tzoros
    more than any one can imagine.We should all be Zoche to see the end of this golus and all the tzoros of Klal Yisroel, Bimheirah Biyomeinu !

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