Responding to accusations made by Democrats against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Texas Senator Ted Cruz didn’t hold back.
“Let’s talk about the law. You’re a lawyer, Senator,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said to Cruz. “From a legal standpoint, let’s say I went down to the border and I brought a big truck with me and I picked up a bunch of illegal immigrants and I started transporting them across the country, would I or would I not be arrested for human trafficking, and would it be illegal to do that, for me, if I did that?”
“For you, a citizen? You could easily be arrested, although to be honest Joe Biden’s Justice Department wouldn’t arrest you,” said Cruz. “But in an ordinary Justice Department, an ordinary citizen doing that would be arrested.”
“And right now, the biggest human trafficker on the face of the planet is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.,” said Cruz. “He has transported hundreds of thousands, millions of illegal aliens, populating them now, putting many of them in red states. He’s happy to put them in red states where it’s not the rich people’s concerns, it’s the little people’s concerns.”
“You know, all of the folks on Martha’s Vineyard happily voted for Joe Biden. Well, they can live with the consequences of the lawless policies that right now, the people in McAllen, the people of Laredo, the people of Eagle Pass, the people of Texas are feeling the price for this.”
“He sends Karine Jean-Pierre out to claim nobody is crossing the border illegally. It’s a flat-out lie,” said Cruz. “And all of the docile little sheep in the press room, they bah like sheep. And they ignore the fact that she’s lying to the American people. The media needs to cover her lies.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
13 Responses
Protocols and the systems have always been against those without power. It is a game that has been played for many centuries and it is been played now. It is a matter of choosing your team.
Spare us your “wicked sedom” hogwash. What was wicked was the dems allowing the BLM’s to loot and burn down america and cause millions if not billions in damages from innocent people and business not to mention how many people got injured/killed
Do you have any idea how many immigrants are dying almost daily attempting to enter our unsecure borders and being completely ignored by the fools running our country???? Abbot desantis and cruz are looking to save many lives by bringing this insane situation to everyones attention. When kamala cackles her head off and declares “the borders are secure”, you no doubt swallowed that hook line and sinker. Abbot desantis and cruz deserve awards for showing the world how idiotic this country is being run and exposing Kamala’s vicious lies
As I read it, Cruz is admitting that DeSantis transporting asylum seekers from Texas to Massachusetts and New York is criminal. It should be noted that many of the asylum seekers dumped in NYC, DC and Martha’s Vineyard have appointments scheduled with Immigration in Texas and other states which they will now miss.
Rt is obsessed with trump he’s basically saying so what the president murdered someone the previous one did money laundering
Wow. Your “values” are rather interesting.
These three are heroes who are calling to attention the devastation this “policy” is wreaking on American cities that cannot handle this influx.
To disagree with them is one matter. But to call them Sedom and Amora, et al., is quite another.
rt made a silly comment: “Question Ted, if an ordinary citizen would have made off with hundreds of classified government documents, would they be arrested and charged?”
ri, listen, an authorized person (like the baggage handlers) can enter the tarmac on an international airport but if an ordinary citizen does so, he will be immediately arrested. Ever wonder why? Because one is “authorized” and the other isn’t. It may come as a surprise to you but what is legal for one person to do, it a crime for another.
There are numerous such examples, including entry into areas within a nuclear facility, an army base etc. Classified documents may be forbidden to one person but fully permitted for another. Is that too shocking for you to accept?
Milhouse is wrong.
The technical terms we are dealing with are “human trafficking” vs “human smuggling”.
These are two distinct but often interconnected crimes. And yes Milhouse, human smuggling IS a crime.
While human trafficking aims to exploit a person, who may or may not be a migrant, the purpose of smuggling is, by definition, to make profits from facilitating illegal border crossing. The “profit” may be financial or political currency.
Migrant smuggling happens across national borders. Some migrants might start their journey by agreeing to be smuggled into a country illegally but end up as victims of human trafficking when they are deceived, coerced or forced into an exploitative situation later in the process, for example being forced to work for no or very little money to pay for their transportation.
Criminals may both smuggle and traffic people, employing the same routes and methods of transporting them. Smuggled migrants have no guarantee that they won’t be exploited into human slavery jobs upon entry into the country.
Milhouse proclaims that smuggling migrants is not a crime. He compares it to Greyhound transporting people. That is a major error.
The UN “Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air” is the only internationally agreed legal instrument designed to prevent and combat smuggling of migrants. Countries that ratify the Protocol MUST criminalize migrant smuggling.
Federal law makes it a crime to help bring someone into the United States who is not a U.S. citizen. The law contains two very broad provisions on this matter, with the result that the alien smuggler can face punishment regardless of whether he or she was acting for profit or not, or to help his or her own family or relations.
The statutes in question come from the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act. (I.N.A.), including §§ 274(a)(1)(a) and 274 (a)(2) (also at 8 U.S.C. § 1324).
I.N.A. Section 274(a)(1)(a) says that anyone who helps bring or attempt to bring a noncitizen into the U.S. at some nondesignated place without inspection by a U.S. official at a border, port, or other point of entry, is committing a crime. Escorting someone across the desert is the classic violation of this section. The mode of transport doesn’t matter; the law criminalizes smuggling action that takes place “in any manner whatsoever.”
Penalties under Section 274(a)(1)(a) can include a fine under under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, a prison term of up to ten years, or both. The punishment gets multiplied by the number of people smuggled. If someone gets injured as a result of the crime, the penalty can be increased to a 20-year prison term; and if someone dies as a result, the prison term can be extended to life.
Section 274(a)(2) makes it a crime to, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that the person lacks prior official authorization to enter or live in the U.S., bring or attempt to bring that person into the country. (A failed crime is still a crime under this section.) In this case, it doesn’t even matter whether the person brings the noncitizen to an official entry point or not. Attempting to smuggle someone through a checkpoint in the trunk of one’s car would likely be prosecuted under this section. Penalties can include a fine under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, a prison term of up to one year, or both. Again, the penalties can be multiplied by the number of violations.
Although bringing the noncitizen straight to an immigration officer for inspection does not excuse the person from culpability for a criminal act, it can reduce the penalties. (Why would someone go straight to an immigration officer,? It has primarily been tried as a mechanism to help noncitizens seeking political asylum, which is a remedy that one can request upon entering the United States.) The penalty for not bringing the person straight to a checkpoint is as much as ten years in prison.
And although commmercial or financial gain is not required in order to be found guilty under this law, it too can increase the penalty – to at least three and up to ten years in prison. The same penalty applies to someone who violates this section knowing that the noncitizen planned to commit an offense punishable by more than one year in prison.
Repeat offenders under this section may receive more severe punishments. If it’s the person’s third or subsequent offense, the penalty becomes imprisonment of between five and 15 years.
The offender can also be made to give up any boat, car, plane, or other vehicle or aircraft used in the crime, and to forfeit any money or other proceeds earned in the course of the crime.
Cruz is totally ridiculous.
These people came to the US and they deserve to be supported by the US Immigration system until their court cases are decided and they are either allowed entry or returned.
The LIBS are not fuming because there are migrants in the US.
President Biden and Kamala Harris are not upset because there are migrants in their neighborhood.
President Biden and the Government of the US will gladly take and support with housing, clothing , food, jobs and healthcare as many migrants as come here. The Federal Government and the the NGO’s have enough money to help these refugees/migrants.
They are fuming because the 3 Wicked, Wicked Rulers of Sedom and Amora and Adma named Abbot, DeSantis and Cruz (who I will now refer to as Bera , Birsha and Adma), did not coordinate the arrival of these men, women and children.
They tricked and lied to these people into coming to NY, Martha’s Vineyard, and Washington DC with promises of jobs, housing and food.
They sent them without proper medical care or food.
They dropped them off in the middle of nowhere without anybody knowing they were arriving.
They paid at least 1/2 a millions dollars to send them by plane when they could have used the money to actually help these people instead of treating them worse then dogs.
The migrants are already in the immigration system and need to show up in courts in the US for their cases. They are now guaranteed to miss their court dates which is a strike against them.
I would have zero mercy on these 3 Sedom Leaders except I am a ainekle of Avrohom Aveinu who had mercy on their grandparents. These 3 are descendants of Bera , Birsha and Adma. I am sure if Avrohom Aveinu was alive today he would be giving speeches in Texas and Florida castigating these 3 Reshaim.
Just consider, in the last 6 months , how many refugees did the neighbors of Ukraine take in and support with health, food, clothing and housing ?
Answer: Millions !
So if I understood this correctly he just said that DeSantis and Abbot are now criminals for engaging in trafficking. Wow!
Fact- there have been far many more arrests at the border under under Biden than under trump. Of those, more than double have be expelled than under trump.
Question Ted, if an ordinary citizen would have made off with hundreds of classified government documents, would they be arrested and charged?
From a legal standpoint, let’s say I went down to the border and I brought a big truck with me and I picked up a bunch of illegal immigrants and I started transporting them across the country, would I or would I not be arrested for human trafficking, and would it be illegal to do that, for me, if I did that?”
That’s just not true. I think there is some context missing here, because Cruz would never say such an ignorant thing.
Providing people with transport is not breaking any law. I mean, that’s what Greyhound does! Unless you were transporting them for the specific purpose of subjecting them to “involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery”, or of having them perform “commercial sex acts” while under 18 or that are “induced by force, fraud, coercion”. That is what “trafficking” means. And of course none of those things apply to the infiltrators that Texas, Arizona, and Florida are providing with transport to communities that demand they should be given “sanctuary”.
What Cruz most likely said, given the context of current events, is that according to those so-called “legal experts” who are ridiculously accusing Texas, Arizona, and Florida of “trafficking”, the Biden administratio is the most guilty of all, since it has done this not to a few thousand people but to hundreds of thousands, and is still doing it, secretly, but only to poor and rural communities, not to the areas where its rich friends live.
Did everyone forget how Biden sent airplanes of migrants to different states? But when Abbott does it its inhumane?