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MAILBAG: The Real Culprits Are The Liberals And Their Policies

I’m somewhat shocked at the way YWN has been covering the Jordan Neely story. Instead of describing what truly happened and who Neely really was, you seem to have been at least somewhat sucked in by the mainstream media to think that he was some poor, helpless, and innocent man. He wasn’t.

Just to refresh: Neely was on a subway when he was tackled by several bystanders and put in a stronghold by one of them, with Neely ultimately dying from being placed in that chokehold. Now leftists are calling for demonstrations, insisting that he was “lynched” and “murdered.” Let’s get the facts straight. Neely was no innocent man and it is almost certain that he posed a serious danger to fellow subway riders.

In June 2019, Jordan Neeley was arrested for punching a 64-year-old man in the face in a subway station. If that man fell and died, you probably never would have heard about it. There would be no protests, no riots.

In August 2015, he was arrested for kidnapping and dragging a 7-year-old girl down the street, and was only sentenced to four months of prison time. If that girl would have died, there would have been no protests, and you would have never heard about it.

Neeley had been arrested over 40 times, the most recent in 2021 for punching a random 67-year-old in the nose as she exited a subway station.

But a couple days ago, as the deranged Neeley with a history of violence in subways announced to a subway station that he intended to do harm to the crowd, he was subdued and unfortunately died in the process.

The man who subdued him is now labeled a murderer, a white supremacist and calls for his extrajudicial lynching have been recorded. There are mass protests.

Can we step back a moment and realize that something is seriously wrong? This isn’t about white supremacy at all. This tragic incident is the result of liberal policies, because in their minds, it’s more “fair and equitable” to have a violent, mentally ill man roam the streets and subways than to place them in a psychiatric institution.

If Jordan Neely was locked up in a place that could have given him the care he needed, he would still be alive. He’s not alive because of liberal policies, not because of vigilantes on a subway.

Yaakov D – Far Rockaway

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. You’re right. But someone doesn’t just die in a chokehold. Clearly excessive force was used and the perpetrator should be held accountable.

  2. I would like to believe that in such a circumstance, I am smart enough to ask questions and not draw conclusions.
    My number one question in the circumstance is regarding the fact that the ex marine, who put them in a chokehold, should have known whether he was using a potentially full choke, hold or not (yes, there are chokeholds that will just not the person out without killing them).
    Was he using an “OK choke“ but because of whatever was going on inside Neely’s system that level of oxygen deprivation was too much for him?
    Or did he knowingly (as an ex marine, he should’ve been fairly well trained been, and then come back, so he should have known, whether or not what he was doing, was likely to be lethal) put the fellow in a chokehold that was likely to kill him?

  3. I agree 100% with user176.
    “He was subdued and unfortunately died in the process.”
    But possibly “He was subdued and killed .” Probably Involuntary Manslaughter.

    Why do you give the person who killed him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe he is racist ? Maybe he wanted him to die and held the chokehold even after he was incapacitated?
    Jordan Neely’s family deserves an investigation and answers.

    He needed to be subdued and prevented from harming people. Not killed.
    There are many ways to subdue a person without a choke hold.

    Did you know that many states have banned “choke holds” and similar restraints from being used even by police agencies except in situations where deadly force is justified ?

    This has nothing to do with liberal policies.
    In Red states do they have laws that lock up permanently all the people who have psychiatric issues in mental institutions ?
    Which Red state has such a law?
    It is probably unconstitutional.

  4. All of this is just to distract us that really it’s all oilam hafuch and if we do the ratzon hashem he will bring the geula. In the times of mashiach will we care that some criminal shvartza died? NO! Of course not. We will be preoccupied with one thing. That is Torah. That’s all we should be focusing on. YWN you should be embarrassed for posting things that are causing fellow yidden to be preoccupied with such frivolity

  5. OP you are posting on a left wing website, I don’t know what you were trying to accomplish with this.

    Where are the protesters when a tranny shoots up a school is my question.

  6. The problem is that YWN doesn’t do their own research and reporting. They subscribe to AP with is ultra-liberal and then basically cut-and-paste. 🙁

  7. I agree with this letter. These criminals and mentally ill people who are a danger to others should not have the right to roam the city streets nor use the subway. There were a few hundred murders of blacks by blacks this past year, people like Neely killed others, why should the public have to suffer from these people? And furthermore, where is the outrage and demonstrations against the overwhelmingly black murderers who killed blacks?

    Regarding the amount of force that was used that resulted in Neely’s death that is likely because he fought to get away and therefore more force was used to hold him down. At least one black man held him down too, was he interested in murdering him? No, he was interested in protecting himself and the people on the train. The violent behavior of individuals has become so accepted that to try to prevent these people from harming innocent people has become a crime and that is insane.

  8. All this violence is engineered by the deep state. Look at all those mass shooting since 2020, I lost count of those..

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