“WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?”: Naftali Bennett Roasts British Anchorman Over Anti-Israel Bias [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool)

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett got into a heated clash with a Sky News anchor over the plight of civilians in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The Sky News reporter made a pointed effort to paint Israel as “the bad guys” by shutting off electricity to Gaza, which he said would kill babies in hospitals.

Bennett fired back: “Are you seriously asking about Palestinian civilians? What’s wrong with you? We’re fighting Nazis! We’re not targeting them … I’m not going to feed electricity or water to our enemies.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

40 Responses

  1. I don’t think Bennet’s response was compelling in the slightest. It was full of emotion, but didn’t address a very straightforward question. The Israelis are inflicting collective punishment to all who live in Gaza, including newborn babies, cancer patient and others that have no connection to the terror activities. It’s one thing to inconvenience everyone to punish some. But to actually cause the death of others that are not connected to terror is another. That was the question. The response was to shout and and try to guilt the questioner. Not vey convincing.

  2. ezrielkatz1,

    You may have a point that Bennett did not give the right answer. So I will.

    Did you see the videos of multitudes of “civilians” swarming the vehicles carrying the hostages?? Did you?! I did.

    There is NO such a thing as innocent civilians in Gaza. They all support Hamas and celebrate the murder of Jews. There’s your answer.

  3. I wish he would have instead responded that “the Palestinians VOTED hamas into office. They celebrate with each deadly attack on Israelis. They are aiding and abettiing Hamas by hiding them in their schools, mosques and hospitals. And they indoctrinate their children from a young age to kill Jews who then grow up to be terrorists as well. Let’s not have any misplaced sympathy for accomplices.”

  4. They are fighting savage Nazis who will use the electricity to detonate massive landmines under the peace loving Israeli soldiers. They will use the electricity to kill & main more innocent civilians. The civilians in Gaza celebrate the killing of Jews in public displays of rejoicing. Those who support murderers end up suffering along with them when the time comes to stop this evil. If the babies in Gaza die, it’s because they were born in a society that worships the killing of Jews as the highest human achievement. The parents of the baby are willing to sacrifice it for the sake of Allah by killing Jews. This is taught in the schools, preached in the mosques, & spread in all their media.

  5. …and I have seen NOT ONE Palestinian protest about the atrocities their government committed or demand to return our hostages!

  6. He’s a hundred percent right. Jewish lives are in danger. A government is responsible for their citizens safety. These animals purposely hide behind human shields to make Israel look bad. Hamas must be wiped out for once and for all. If one had the opportunity to save Jews by bombing Nazis and some “inocent” German’s were in the way would any sane person hesitate??? Exact same thing here. As we saw last week, these “Palestinian” animals are as bad as Nazis.

  7. Ezriel
    I am assuming you are playing devils advocate.
    Bc clearly Jewish hashkofa holds people responsible for the actions of their elected officials. It’s what made Shimon and Levi actions moral and it’s what made the bombing of Dresden and Hiroshima moral.

  8. EzrielKatz

    The majority of Palestinians are complicit
    They have been indoctrinated to kill Jews from primary school age
    When they dance, hand out or receive sweets after atrocities they become joint and severally responsible

    The majority of Palestinians will openly admit that they are our enemy
    Around the world they sing from the river to the sea

    They are bred to hate us

  9. @ezrielkatz1–
    They are not inflicting collective punishment. They have no obligation to give them electricity and water. If the rest of hte world wants to, they can go ahead and do it.
    Also, it’s very simple: release the Israeli hostages, or no water/power for you. It is baffling (or isn’t that baffling) why the world doesn’t care about the fate of innocent israeli civilians who are being held hostage by terrorists.

  10. Haha, love The ending, where he truly shut him up with his question “what would YOU do if it was your children?”
    The reporter’s problem was that he should have known: when you interview a Jew and ask him a question, he ALWAYS answers you back with a question

  11. When Palestinians chant gas the Jews as they did in Australia they become instant terrorists

    Complicit with Hamas

    Much the same as anyone who sings from the river to the sea

    The vast majority hate us

    Show me another country who provide their sworn enemy with infrastructure
    medical supplies water electricity aid


    We have been fools for long enough trying to placate the world which is an impossible task
    We must rid Israel’s reliance on Palestinian labour
    What right minded nation employs its enemies?
    Brings murderers into its neighbourhoods freely mixing with its nations women and children have we become so lazy so spoilt by success that we allow our enemy into our homes to work

  12. I could ask you a question, but you’re not allowed to answer it. HA! We’ll leave it there…

    The Palestinians either voted for Hamas, making them terrorists. Or they are being occupied and oppressed by Hamas. Either way, the world needs to get involved.
    The FREE world needs to declare WAR on Islamic jihad, after they declared WAR on the FREE world. The Hamas leader announced a global day of jihad. THATS A DECLARATION OF WAR ON THE USA AND OTHERS!!

    Israel has no responsibility to give electricity and water to anyone.
    Let the BBC give them electricity

  13. There are no innocent people in Gaza. End of story.
    Anyway I heard one hamas leader poking fun that Israelis believe in life therefore we should do prison exchange. They believe in death. In being martyrs.
    So let’s help them all get there…straight up there …that’s what they want anyway..

  14. They also said no one living along the border is a civilian. They’re all soldiers in Israeli propaganda.
    Yup! There are no civilians Gaza. They’re all there to protect hamas.
    We’re just repeating what they say…

  15. Bennet, funny and ugly how a pretending jew finds himself on the cover when he should be under the covers…hiding…they say one mitzca of forgiveness…well, I can’t forget….this man’s pettiness

  16. @ezriel did you listen until the end of the interview? He did answer the question. They’re using all Gazans as human shields. Any death that comes to those shields is on the head of the hamas animals. Besides the overwhelming majority of gazans are not innocent by standers. The voted hamas in multiple times with a massive majority.

  17. @Ezrielkatz1, You sound ignorant at best. Bennetts answer was true and to the point. Israel has a problem and the same one for the last 75 years. Hamas kill Jews at schools, Shuls, buses etc. then run back and hide behind babies and cancer patients like you explained. That was all wonderful when Israel would go in to Gaza and world opinion would scream, until this past weekend when Hamas behaved like Nazis, Isis or worse and killed most Jews in one day since the Holocaust. Israel will retaliate & clean out Gaza if innocent civilians die we feel bad but that can’t be helped.

  18. Bennet wasn’t professional at all, which is a necessary skill when defending against the biased media.
    Bennett’s response should have been, Israel is no longer supplying its enemies with electricity, gas and water.
    Until now we were neighbors, albeit hostile neighbors now we are enemies engaged in a war.
    A poor wartime decision would be to make it easier for the enemy to attack.
    More importantly he should’ve been clear that there is something called collateral damage. And collateral damage in a war is inevitable.

  19. It is important to respond and explain with reason, to encourage that people not fall for any hot air.
    We also need to be clear that no one in the world can convince us not to defend Jewish lives.

    (Hamas happily attacked Eretz Yisrael with the full knowledge that they had children and seniors on life-support in their hospitals. They knew that we probably wouldn’t give them fuel and electricity to continue their war against us. But that didn’t stop them, just so that they could murder Jews. They are using every Arab in Gaza, in one way or another, as a human shield, because they know that we value and care for human life. The shame and wrongdoing is theirs only. We can’t give them fuel and electricity, because that means giving them more of an ability to kill Jews.)

  20. Ezrielkatz, you are clearly Mahmoud…., not a Jew. It is clear to any person who cares about the survival of the Jewish people, that the ONLY way to save OUR people is to do what is being done now. And the death of any “innocent” civilians is on them. The “Palestinian” animals voted for these barbarians, so they are deserving of what they get. He addressed the question directly with his scenario of your kids being shot at by someone using a human shield.

  21. @ezrielkatz1
    you are correct, imo. unfortunately he’s can’t explain the morality behind his choices. However, the real answer is rather simple: his responsibility is to protect the country he works for, not the citizens of the aggressor.
    If a military action reduces risk to Israeli citizens, than the government must take it, even if it increases risk to the Gazan citizens. If the target is Hamas, it doesn’t morally matter if an innocent Gazan is in the way.

  22. ezrielkatz1 you are completely ignorant and completely misinformed. There is no such thing as Gaza “civilians”. There is nothing civil about them. All of them would not hesitate for a second to aid or abet the murder of Jews or do the “mitzvah”
    themselves if they felt they could get away with it.

    In addition, if they insist on remaining in a war zone and agree to allow themselves to be used as human shields, and decide to ignore the clear and unequivocal call to evacuate by Israel and the UN [who has been giving free aid and supporting them for 10+ years]

    When these people\ civilians whatever you want to call these creatures, I personally wouldn’t use the term people or civilian with regard to these animals, decide to ignore orders to evacuate and instead insist on remaining in a war zone and in a danger zone such people have only themselves to blame for their own problems which they willingly created for themselves.

    Moreover “peaceful people”, “civilians’, “regular families” have no business in voluntarily remaining in an off-limits war zone.

    The only people that belong there are soldiers and terrorists who have forfeited their life and the lives of their family members for their so-called ‘holy cause for their allah’

  23. @ezrielkatz1, the answer is very simple: Hamas is the (democratically elected) governing body of Gaza. They initiated a war. It is incredulous to expect a country to continue to supply any country that declares war on them with food, water or electricity. Especially one akin to Nazi Germany.

    Of course the civilians in Gaza are suffering. This is the fault of their government, which they support wholeheartedly, committing atrocities against their neighbour.

    It is no one’s fault but their own.

    Do you think Britain would have continued supplying Nazi Germany with food, water & electricity during WWII? The idea is laughable.

  24. to ezrielkatz1:

    Let’s expand FIPM Bennet’s words, which he *did* speak quite well.

    He’s asking: if someone is shooting at your kids but *hiding behind their own kids* what would you do?

    The point is: the “being humane” platform for logical reasoning for anyone with no interest in sanctity of life/living is non-sensical. These who have dubbed themselves “palestinians” commit atrocities to their own people/children, and no reporter in a freshly pressed suit will even bat an eyelash (in front of the mirror where they optimize themselves with facial exercises before going on camera) about it.

    Would you allow someone to slaughter your children because they’re shielding themselves with their own offspring?

    This is not just a distorted callused reporter/narrative, but wrong for humanity.

  25. Ezriel, I don’t think “collective punishment” is an accurate way to describe refusing to supply electricity to your enemy in wartime. And in any case, hospitals are supposed to have generators. In Gaza, that wouldn’t help, because the military wing would horde dwindling fuel supplies (just like years ago they stole cement earmarked for rebuilding residential buildings in order to rebuild terror tunnels).
    Did you notice that this week when the IDF told Gazans not involved in terror activity to leave Gaza City, Hamas told them to stay? Hamas is unabashed about using their population as human shields. Again, that’s not Israel’s responsibility.
    This week Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka said publicly: “The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves.”
    Yes, you have to wage a clean fight, but you have to fight. If you don’t fight a real war, in the long run, you’re not being compassionate, you’re being cruel.

  26. Ezrielkatz, ata Yehudi?
    Hamas started a war. They crossed a border and brutally butchered men, women and children. They butchered our babies. This is war. They brought this war to us R”L and to their own people. People die in war. They knew that when they picked up their weapons. We’re defending our lives. They’re holding babies and small children hostage and not even open to negotiations to release them and you’re worried about them?! Where is your heart?
    Nidmeh li atah lo yehudi.

  27. ezrielkatz – Israel is not inflicting any punishment, collective or otherwise. Hamas claims to have prepped for this day for 2 years, but they did not stockpile even one days worth of supplies for it’s subjects. Other countries in war still go on, Russia and Ukraine has lighting. Hamas couldn’t keep the hospitals going for even one day? Too busy using it as a weapons depot instead?
    This ignores the obvious issue where the Sky News Reporter doesn’t seem to mind Israeli civilians being collectively punished for what the media tells us are their crimes. If the event wasn’t collective punishment, what is? Or was it just sheer mass murder that they ignored?

  28. Ezra I disagree with you. If Hamas is shooting at ur children and using the hospitals as human shields then it’s their responsibility not israles and that’s exactly waht he said.

  29. @EzrielKatz1 The reason that the people in Gaza do not have electricity is because Hamas, which governs the place, took all the international money given for the infrastructure in Gaza and used it to build terror tunnels and bombs, leaving Israel to pick up the slack. Israel has not ”cut off” their electricity, they have simply stopped providing it for free.

  30. > ezrielkatz1

    The money , time, effort and resources that Hamas (the “elected” government in Gaza) put into terrorism ever since 2005 would have made Gaza literally into a paradise and tourist attraction had they used the money constructively – like building their own electrical and water plants (and Israel would have been only too happy to offer an over-abundance of assistance). Further, Hamas literally targeted and murdered the technicians and workers who kept the system functioning. During all these years I have seen the videos (going back long before “deep fakes” existed) of Gaza shooting rockets into Israel hitting the Israeli facilities that supplied the electricity and when workers came to fix it they were shot by Gaza snipers.

    So let’s get one thing straight. What is happening is that Israel is simply not sending more technicians and workers to be murdered by Hamas as the former attempt to keep functional the systems that Hamas had broken. These technicians and workers are desperately needed now to save Israeli lives.

  31. ezrielkatz1, When someone starts a war, there never was any question asked about equal vengance. Only Israel has to be equal. Why? Was America equal when it dropped 2 nuclear weapons on Japan? Or maybe you feel the IDF should rape woman of all ages. How about behead children? Burn them? Dance in the streets? While he may not have been convincing, the question was laced with racism and in reality is undeserving of a response.

  32. Ezriel, The fact that the Interviewer couldn’t answer Bennet’s last question and had no choice but to end the Interview Is the best answer to the question asked. It was also obvious that the interviewer got lost when Bennet asked him what he thinks of bombing Dresden while The UK was fighting the Germany.

  33. @nafy7227,
    now don’t go tripping yourself over your own shoe laces.
    What you said was rather ignorant, and only copying the lunatic naftali’s immature attitude.
    A journalist/reporter/presenter (and a British one at that!) keeps to a very strict set of guidelines in order to keep things under control, to keep a specific look/understanding and perspective calm to the setting.
    Therefore, when the interviewee starts acting up and flies off on a tangent or suffers from some stupidity attack than the presenter is most probably likely to just press the stop button and move on.
    And guess what?

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