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TORONTO: Bus Company Hired To Drive Jews To Pro-Israel Rally Refuses To Show Up

A group of about 500 Jewish Torontonians were left stranded in a cold parking lot after the buses chartered to bring them to a pro-Israel rally in Ottawa simply didn’t show up.

Dozens of bus companies were hired by United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of Greater Toronto to bring more than 2,000 people to the rally at Parliament Hill on Monday morning, but without explanation, 17 buses – all from the same company – simply didn’t show up.

“We were shocked that, of more than 70 buses UJA booked, 17 did not show up, said UJA president and CEO Adam Minsky. “Thise 17 buses were the responsibility of a particular subcontracted company. Despite charging in full in advance and confirming its participation, the company did not send a single bys and has declined all communications while refusing to provide any explanation.”

The company in question is Prestige Worldwide Transportation Network, LLC, run by a man named Mohammed Ashfaq.

“Given the absolute silence of the subcontractor and with no other other explanation, we are driven to the view that this shameful decision is intended to disrupt our peaceful rally out of hatred toward Jews,” Minsky said.

“What happened today is sickening and outrageous,” he added. “We will respond aggressively with every legal and public affairs tool at our disposal. UJA is already working with legal counsel and will be proceeding with strong, decisive actions against this company. Hate and discrimination against any community can never be tolerated in Canada.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. They should know better than to hire a Muslim owned bus company to transport people to a pro Israel rally. The owners name is Mohammed and that says it all.

  2. You are better off not having people like that driving you, they might commit suicide acts with a bus full of Jewish people.

    You should definitely boycott them from now on.

  3. I’m sure they asked him if he had any problems working with them, and that he assured them that he loves the Jews, his best friend is a Jew, his son in law is a Jew, and that he is 100% on board. The whole point was to cause a problem.

  4. I cannot say that I am surprised. No way that a guy named Mohammed Ashfuq would let his company take folks to a pro-Israeli rally…

  5. Prestige Worldwide Transportation Network, LLC, run by a man named Mohammed Ashfaq.
    Now what could go wrong here?

  6. We have an incident in Canada, and an incident in DC now doing this.

    I haven’t seen this as a CNN or front page type of article. You’d think worse than Rosa Parks civil liberty violation would automatically be condemned in the news and found guilty before the trial. If the riders weren’t Jewish, the owners would be out of town already. But here, we must have the facts of course, and not jump to conclusions because it’s just a coincidence.

  7. best news… one should a rally …… no one has to prove being jewish is being jewish….shame on you all of you and your marches…the only thing it showed is we may need to Bench Gomel……did you see how Hashem has swept our enemy from the shores of the Middle East to all over the World. there wasn’t a road that wasn’t filled with these Muslim monsters and their friends….christian friends, jews too…..shame on you all……you should be on your knees thanking Hashen for moving this race to a commendable formation readily availty to destroy…you are whining,,

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