2nd Annual City Eruv Conference was Attended by 100 Eruv Professionals from Across the US and Canada [PHOTOS]

Last week Sunday and Monday, one hundred Eruv professionals from all over the US and Canada, gathered in the Marriott of Saddle Brook, NJ, for the second annual City Eruv Conference, where participants learned and shared ideas on the subject of Eruvin.

The two-day event, complete with lodging options for out-of-towners, meals and tefillos, was arranged through the partnership of the OU’s Director of Halachah Initiatives, Rabbi Ezra Sarna, and Rabbi Baruch Gore of the National Eruv Initiative. The committee chairs of the conference were Rabbi Chaim Meir Steinmetz of the Monsey Eruv and Rabbi Micha Shotkin, well known expert Eruv builder.

The conference began with Visnitzer Dayan, Rav Yechiel Steinmetz, covering the common mistakes in city and country Eruvin. Through interactive slideshow presentations, the numerous rabbonim and poskim shared their encounters with halachic challenges. Other presenters included: Rav Chaim Jachter, Rav Yitzchak Isaac Kresch, Rav Mordechai Willig, Rav Moshe Steiner, Rav Mordechai Fuchs, and Rav Shlomo Francis. Topics ranged from in-depth halacha shiurim to best practices in Eruv maintenance and construction.

On Monday, the conference organizers presented awards to those who have represented the Eruv organizations on the legal and political front. Reb Yoel Friedman, Chief Chaplain & Liaison of the Bergen County Sheriff & Prosecutor’s Office, was recognized for his efforts and accomplishments in securing building permits on major highways and partnerships with governmental agencies. Lawyers Bob Sugarman, Yehudah Buchweitz, and David Yolkut were recognized for defending Eruvin in numerous high profile court cases. They, in turn, gave credit to Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP for the firm’s value of community work. 

At lunch break, the roundtable discussion was equally entertaining and informative, as participants shared their personal stories and tips. Some showcased creative solutions to the unique halachic issues that face their local Eruv, while others humbly shared challenges and triumphs.

The event continued with presentations on Eruv checking standards, traffic safety, and bucket-truck tours in the parking lot. Eruv builders gave hands-on tool and equipment demonstrations while others acquired Eruvin seforim that were either donated or put out for sale by the mechabrim. R’ Gore led the final session showcasing newly developed Eruv educational resources that attendees could use in their communities.

Pioneering the advantages of technology for the use of Torah and Mitzvos, OU’s R’ Sarna presented the OU Eruv Software 2.0, which will make Eruv checking and documenting a whole lot easier. Through documentation and mapping, upkeep of the Eruv is kept to precise detail for the weekly checkers to follow. Tutorials about the software debuted at the conference. The software is already in use in many communities throughout the world.  

The importance of the initiative was visible by the diversity of the crowd, as Eruv poskim and checkers stemmed from various communities and backgrounds. “The incredible variety of cities represented, the diversity of attire, and the multitude of unique personalities only amplified the remarkable sense of achdus and fellowship,” was Yoshi Falber’s, CEO of The Chesed Fund and lead corporate sponsor, impression of the event. “It was truly inspiring to see such unity in sharing the responsibility, improvement, and dedication to shmiras Shabbos across North America. This was an absolutely unparalleled event and a true kiddush Hashem.”

Rabbi Chaim Heinneman, Rosh Kollel of the Cincinnati Community Kollel, who was present at the event, commented: “I thoroughly enjoyed the great mix of Halacha, Hashkafa and the practical aspects that was shared at the Eruv Conference.”

Another corporate sponsor of the conference, Central Jersey Screw & Bolt, is a longtime supplier for Eruv builders. “Every time I get contacted by an eruv builder, I see it as an opportunity to help the Jewish people. When we were given the opportunity to be a sponsor and help with this holy event, it was a no brainer!” said Moe Bamberger, COO of Central Jersey Screw & Bolt. “It was amazing looking around the room and seeing the achdus of Yidden from every walk of life, and every part of the USA and Canada, united in one common goal of improving Eruvin.”

As Rabbi Yossi Rodal of Seattle’s North End Eruv, put it: “The unity was beautiful.” 

To learn more, visit www.ou.org/city-eruv-conference/

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. This where an article on YWN should have a screaming headline KIDDUSH HASHEM.
    For Yidden of different backgrounds who might otherwise never have met , to come together L’tovas HaKlall and L’maan Shmiras Shabbos is an ultimate Kiddush Hashem.

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