Just last night, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Wolosow Z”L a shliach who directed adult education at Chabad of Manalapan, stood on stage at a major concert, singing alongside Avraham Fried in a powerful moment of inspiration. He sang the words from Tehillim (42:3): Tzama Nafshi “When will I come and appear before Hashem?” – a chilling verse in hindsight. The crowd applauded, and Fried was visibly moved by his voice.
Today, heartbreakingly, he is no longer with us.
Rabbi Wolosow Z”L, a dedicated Chabad Shliach in New Jersey, passed away suddenly on Monday, 5 Shvat 5785, at the age of 43. He was known for his warmth, kindness, and commitment to teaching and inspiring others.
For Yeshiva Week, the Wolosow family traveled to Pennsylvania, where they attended the Poconos Midwinter Concert at the Kalahari Convention Center. Less than 24 hours after his unexpected performance, his family received an urgent call for Tehillim. As they rushed to daven and head to the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the devastating news came—he had been Niftar.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Chanele Wolosow (Chazanow), their children Nochum, Dov, Mendel, Tzipa, Miriam, and Uziel, as well as their adopted children, Naomi and Tani. He also leaves behind his parents, Rabbi Chaim and Sara Wolosow of Sharon, MA, and his many siblings.
The Levaya is expected to take place on Tuesday in New York. More details to follow.
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
3 Responses
I have read of so many sudden deaths lately, i blame the Covid “vaccination”.
May Hashem give an abundance of comfort to the Rabbis family and friends among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, until Mochiach and the resuscitation of the dead😢
This is certainly a sad tragedy, a fine yungerman who devoted his life to helping others, passed away so young, leaving a young choshuve family, and this announcement should be very focused on those holier aspects of Jewish end-of-life, and be very focused on how we can help this wonderful family now. But here we get dragged down into the silliness of making sure no one forgets that he sang with Fried just before his petirah, especially the words he sang… Hello? Is this a big mitzvah that he did? Is it the last act of kindness (??) he did in his life ch”v? Is it ultimately Choshuv at all?! Why must you so crassly embarrass this very special family?
To Frum where:
Yes you have a valid point.