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Levaya of Mrs Ratze Faiga Lesser A”H

candle3.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Mrs Ratze Faiga Lesser A”H (30-years-old), after R”L being in a coma for a few months following the birth of a child. She leaves behind a husband, R’ Shulim Moshe Lesser, an active member of Boro Park Chaverim, and 5 children R”L.

She is the daughter of R’ Hershel and Chaya Gruber.

The Levaya is scheduled for tonight (Sunday) at 9:30PM in front of the Bobover Bais Medrash on 48th Street (following the Tu B’shvat Tish of the Bobover Rebbe Shlita).

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

6 Responses

  1. 4, you don’t know how close to the situation 2 is (or maybe 2 just has the empathy we all should feel). What you have to say is 1000% true, but you have to be careful how you frame it at this time.

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