Sharpton Protests Cartoon Linking Dead Chimp to Obama

p.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The Rev. Al Sharpton says a New York Post cartoon that appears to link President Obama to a violent chimpanzee is “troubling at best.”

The cartoon in Wednesday’s Post by Sean Delonas shows a dead chimp and two police officers, one with a smoking gun.

The caption reads, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”

The cartoon refers to Travis the chimp, who was shot to death by police in Stamford, Conn., on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.

It links the chimp to Obama, who signed his administration’s economic stimulus plan on Tuesday.

Sharpton called the cartoon offensive and divisive.

The Post had no immediate comment.

15 Responses

  1. whoever thinks the chimp in the cartoon is obama is a racist!!! you decided that the chimp actually looked like obama!!! READ the cartoon and you’ll see it doesn’t refer to obama at all.

  2. Not sure if YN gave this its title, but it is incorrect to say the cartoon links Obama to the chimp or vice versa. The reference is to the people who wrote the legislation, which means it links Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to the chimp. Poor chimp.

  3. #2
    If indeed “no one read it”, then you haven’t either. Somehow, though, you are still able to sagaciously declare it as ‘lousy’. Interesting…

  4. I think DeliberatelyEsoteric is right. The cartoon’s humor is subtle, too subtle for Mr. Sharpton I suppose. I think he was reading into the cartoon, looking for an issue to leap on that wasn’t even there. The cartoonist is criticizing the stimulus bill by implying that it was written by a deranged chimpanzee. There is no reference whatsoever to Obama in the cartoon, who didn’t write the bill, only signed it.

    Think of the theory of a million monkeys on a million typewriters eventually pounding out the 1000+ page stimulus bill. That may be part of the cartoonist’s inspiration.

    I do think that the cartoon was tasteless, but not for some imagined reason that Mr. Sharpton inserted. I think the cartoon was very insensitive to the woman who was seriously mauled by the chimpanzee in Stamford, CT, and her family and friends. The vicious attack is certainly not a laughing matter.

  5. to me, it seems that the chimp in the cartoon is NOT representative of obama. it looks like the cartoonist is only poking fun at the bill itself by saying it must have been written by a monkey…

    who knows

  6. Anyone who knows the basics about the stimulus aka prokulus package, knows that it was put together by opportunity seeking liberals, yes liberals (they didn’t even allow republicans in the process while they were writing it). Hence, in my interpretation, the monkey is any member of congress, perhaps one of the leaders Pelosi or Reid. If you notice, the quote says “write” not “sign” ;

  7. Sharpton is the quintessential, fake phony and fraud.

    Who knows, maybe Bob Grant invented the “fake phony fraud” term for him.

    Does anyone rememeber what Sharpton caused to Yankel Rosenbaum H’YD or Freddies in Harlem. (the list goes on Tawana Brawley etc.)

    What a two faced individual Sharpton is.

    (I will give him credit for one thing: Sharpton sure knows how to keep his fellow african americans be’ achdus, maybe we can learn from that)

    But, aside from that compliment above, Sharpton should be ignored.

    As for the cartoon, (which imho is pretty poor cartoon regardless of Sharptons complaint):
    Here is a quick civics lesson for Mr. Sharpton:
    Congress passes bills. The President signs them.
    I do not think Sean the cartoonist was refrencing Obama.

  8. Offensive, racist, Darwinian, treasonous and perhaps illegal (advocating murdering the President).

    P.S. It also defames chimps, by unfairly linking them to a piece of questionable legislation

  9. Of course Slim Shady Sharpton would have a problem with this. I dont understand how there is a connection to The Obama. The Obama didnt WRITE the bill. He didnt even READ it! No one read the 1100 pages in the lousy thing.

    Is Sharpton gonna complain about all the chimps in the zoos now that The Obama is President? At some point it has to stop and if everyone ignores him, it might.

    I would think the monkey looking creature looked more like Pelosi which would explain “Beware of Dog” sign.

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