Anniversary Of Bin Laden’s Death Has NYPD Mobilized For Potential Terror Attacks

The one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death has police in New York City on high alert.

And while there is no specific threat to city, there is always the worry about a “lone wolf” attack, reported CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.

There are persistent rumblings on jihadist websites calling for attacks. There were new propaganda videos posted this week from al Qaeda’s new leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, pledging to “do everything in order to deprive America of security.”

Then there was the resurfacing in Yemen of al Qaeda bomb-maker extraordinaire Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri. He built the underwear bomb and hid explosives inside computer printers on two cargo planes and is now believed to be working on innovative new weapons of terror.

“We know he’s back at his workbench trying to think of what is the next thing,” CBS News terror expert John Miller said Friday.

These are all concerns as we approach the anniversary of the killing of bin Laden by Navy SEALs in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

“We know al Qaeda likes symbolic dates,” Miller said.

So it’s not surprising that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have issued a bulletin warning to state and local police to increase their vigilance.

“… al Qaeda’s affiliates and allies remain intent on conducting attacks in the homeland, possibly to avenge the death of bin Laden…,”‘ the bulletin warned.

Homeland Security sources told Kramer there is presently no known threat to New York, but officials have a few areas of concern that remain “ultra top secret.”

And there are always concerns about a lone wolf attack

A spokesman for Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told Kramer: “There’s no known specific threat to the city because of the anniversary, but the NYPD continues to maintain a robust counter terrorism posture regardless of anniversaries because of past and repeated interest demonstrated by terrorists in returning here to kill New Yorkers.”

Officials said they are concerned that a planned May 1 labor parade from Union Square to Whitehall could provide an opportunity for mayhem.

“Occupy Wall Street” is also planning actions that day.

(Source: WCBSTV)

One Response

  1. FYI:- The 1 year anniversary both by the Jewish calendar & the Moslem Calendar, both being Lunar, was already Friday a week ago. Even the Moslems know their dates by their Lunar calendar, and not by a secular christian solar calendar.

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