London Event Against Draft of Bnei Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel

kkLondon’s chareidi kehilla will be gathering on Monday evening 26 Iyar 5773 at an assembly opposing Israeli government efforts to draft bnei yeshivos into the military and national service. Adverts for the event speak of the Eida Chareidis’ call for assistance, to speak out against the “gezeira” faced by bnei Torah in Eretz Yisrael today.

The event is scheduled to take place in Pardes Hall (26 Lampard Grove), getting underway at 20:30.

The adverts for the event state among the prominent Rabbonim Shlita expected to attend will be Av Beis Din HaGaon HaRav Moshe Chaim Ephraim Padwa Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Ze’ev Feldman Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Yosef Binyomin Wosner Shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Shaul Goldman Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. This is a huge chilul hashem… YWN shouldnt be advertising it… this is a neturi karta type of thing… in a time when israel is now fighting on syrian border, lebonese, gaza, west bank… time to have internal strife??!?!?1
    this should be rethought and cancelled.

  2. #1 & #2 – Torah learning in Israel is important to Jews worldwide.
    And from the list of Rabbanim, it doesn’t appear to be connected to neturai karta.

  3. This rally is a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. All Jews must care about the Jews in Eretz Yisroel. Demonstrating our pain in chutz regarding the terrible matziv the Israeli government is inlicting upon Torah Jewry is the least we can do.

    I am confident that the Gedolei Yisrel shlita will follow this rally up with further action.

  4. All rabbis connected to the EIdah of Yerushalayim are demonstrating, hope they will display signs against the War being waged in the North by Hizbullah.

  5. Demonstrating our pain in chutz regarding the terrible matziv the Israeli government is inlicting upon Torah Jewry is the least we can do.

    Believe it or not, there are thousands of “Torah Jews” who manage to work and learn, and they support themselves and their families. There’s no reason why many chareidim can’t do the same thing.

  6. It is important to remind the world that Torah Jews believe that being Jewish is about Torah and Mitsvos, not about military prowess and seizing land from the Palestinians (even if it involves taking back land that was stolen from us by the Romans). It is good that the anti-zionists now have the numbers to make the point loudly and clearly. For years the pro-zionist hareidim would privately opposed the medinah but gladly accept money and army exemptions. That strategy has now failed, and the hareidim community is now asserting itself for the first time in almost a century.

  7. #8 The world can not distinguish ONE JEW FROM ANOTHER (torah jew, charedei jew, modern jew, observant jew, traditional jew) and will see this Demo as Jews against Israel and will then wonder why should anyone support Israel against its neighboring ENEMIES???? Therefore we will help ally with our enemies to destroy and liquidate the Jews from Israel/Palestine (whatever you want to call the country)

  8. This is not the way to go about things.
    Though Jews in Chutz LaAretz deserve to know just how bad things are getting in Israel.

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